Astrology By Lauren

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The Saturn/Uranus square

July 2nd ~ 9th

“The Blessings of Fire” by Ainslie Roberts

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom. ~ Anais Nin

The over-riding transit for 2021 has been this ubiquitous Saturn/Uranus square. We see it in our ever-divided society. But we also see it in an ever-evolving social conscience, and in these progressive scientific and technological innovations. But this Saturn/Uranus square has also managed to insinuate itself into our personal lives this year. This is where many have been feeling conflict between staying with what we know and are familiar with, vs. taking the risk to venture forth into the world of the new and untrodden. This is where we feel that we are forced to accommodate to changes over which we have no control. This is where we feel as if we are not growing and stagnating where we are, but are not sure what we need to change in order to further grow and evolve.  

This could be a situation that you’ve been ignoring, or were putting up with over a long period of time. But now the issue can no longer be ignored or avoided. Whether you’ve been putting things off, or are in the process of adapting to changes already made, or are trying to decide whether or not to stay or to go, things might be getting a little bit more urgent right about now. This is because Mars has stepped into the picture, soon to be followed by Venus. Mars in Leo just opposed Saturn on the 1st, and will square Uranus on the 3rd, creating a fixed t-square. Fixed, because all the planets are in fixed signs. Venus follows up with its opposition to Saturn on the 6th and square to Uranus on the 8th. 

Those who will be most affected are those who have sensitive points in their charts at 10-16º of the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. However we all have these signs somewhere in our charts, and should already be feeling the tension. This can be a conflict between an old order and a new one; the familiarity of what you know, and the discomfort but freedom to go in a new direction; the fear of change vs. the oppression of stagnation; or feeling like you are being forced to conform or adapt to a new order. 

Mars wants us to make a decision and take some sort of action. But we are overwhelmed and conflicted with self-doubt, self-recrimination, blame and fear of the unknown. It certainly does not help that Mercury is dallying with Neptune yet again this week confounding that uncertainty! But anything that is being imposed on us, or that feels oppressively constricting will feel so unbearable, that we are just liable to explode. There may be a little extra fireworks on display over the US July 4th Independence Day holiday. Even more than we bargain for! This is because the conflict between the Saturn need for security and stability is being destabilized by impulsive and radical Uranus and fiery Mars in Leo, and some people are simply not going to be having it any more. 

If we are patient, and willing to pause in the face of conflict and instability, we can actually look for and develop strategies to work around our conflicts. Mars and Venus will also be making trines to Chiron leading us to find solutions where previously we only saw obstacles and problems. So we are also able to find our way, come to a deeper understanding, through acceptance for our current situation; receiving and recognizing guidance and help along the way; and finding ways to mend any broken bridges moving forward. 

If nothing else, one thing that we can come to realize as we move our way through the sharp and fiery edges of the Saturn/Uranus conflicts this week, is a greater acceptance of ourselves and others, as well as a deeper appreciation of the differences between us, and what we have to learn from each other. 

And so we may want to ask this week:

What am I most needing to protect in the face of uncertainty, and the potential of destruction? In what ways do you feel like your position, status, or well-being is being threatened? What needs protecting, conserving, or needs to be restored? 

What changes do I need to make in order to be able to further grow or evolve? Do you feel stuck? Do you feel unable to fully express yourself? What old rules, limits, habits, or perspectives are no longer working and need to be changed? 

What can you no longer put up with? Are there circumstances in your life that are feeling too confining, too controlled, burdened or oppressive? 

What changes am I obligated to adjust to? Has something changed in your life that you are needing to adapt to? How can you maintain a sense of normalcy and maturity, and even personal agency, even in times of change and uncertainty? 

For next week’s horoscopes click below: