Astrology By Lauren

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The Last Quarter Moon

August 27th ~ September 3rd

“Automat” by Edward Hopper

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. ~ Soren Kierkegaard

In June 2020, the Nodes of the Moon moved on to the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, and since then the majority of the eclipses have occurred in these signs. This week, the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini will conjunct the North Node of the moon, placing the Sun in Virgo at the cross quarter, or bending of the Nodes. Like a critical cross-quarter point in time, we are being asked to reflect, and take stock of our choices and our decisions over the past year.  

The Nodes shifted signs at a critical time for the world in 2020. We were in the height of the pandemic, with nary a way to see out of it. Neptune would sit at cross purposes to the Nodes for much of this time, obfuscating and obscuring the truth, the news, and our very reality, while the vast majority of humanity were compelled to navigate their lives under a veil of uncertainty. Gemini and Sagittarius are signs that have to do with news, ideas, beliefs and understanding. And in an already divided political environment, we became only further divided. At times it would feel as if we were losing our way, like a pathfinder without a map to guide them.  

In our personal lives so many were scrabbling to find their place in a world that at times appeared unrecognizable. Gemini and Sagittarius are both signs of movement and travel, and during a time when travel became so prohibitive, people were packing their bags, as well as their furniture, and moving here, there and everywhere, in search of a better atmosphere, and open uncontaminated spaces. And when we were unable to meet in person, where and when we wanted, Zoom and Chat Rooms became the new crowded hallways of our lives. We found other back-room ways to communicate with the North Node in chatty Gemini winding its way through our lives.

Last Quarter Moons are times of reflection and reassessment. And so we begin to wind down and tie up loose ends this week in preparation for the new beginning implied by the New Moon in ‘get back to business’ Virgo on September 6th. Also this week Mercury (the ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo) will enter Libra for an extended period of time. Due to its retrograde phase which begins on September 27th Mercury will be in Libra until November 3rd. Libra is usually seen as a sign of peace, propriety, and conflict avoidance, but it can also be a sign of debate and even open conflict. 

In the maelstrom of the past 12 months we have either all chosen sides on one side of the aisle or the other, or have chosen not to choose at all. And in our own lives we have made decisions based on what we thought were sound ideas. With Mercury in Libra we are being asked to test out our ideas for validity and viability. For what Mercury in Libra can show us over the next two months, is that if an idea is truly as sound as we think it is, it will be able to stand up to even the most rigorous of challenges. Libra is a sign of fairness and justice, of equanimity and balance; and until November 3rd we’ll be seeing a bit of sorting out going on in our lives, as we once again, seek to reposition ourselves according to the ideas and beliefs that we are holding. 

This week, use any insights you have received recently to consider what goals you might want to concentrate on in the next new moon cycle beginning on September 6th. This is usually a good time for cleaning and clearing, and letting go of what is no longer relevant in our lives. The waning moon is a time for tying up loose ends. In this way you make space for any new initiatives or projects soon to be launched with the New Moon. 

Don’t be discouraged if you feel overwhelmed or disenchanted this week. Mars in opposition to Neptune will leave many feeling disillusioned and out of their depth. Do not try to fill the void with commotion or distractions. It will just exhaust you with anxious frustration. Rather, look for silence to reflect on how far you have come; and seek a safe space where you can receive much needed insight and inspiration for where you wish to go from here.  

For next week’s horoscopes, click below: