September 3rd ~ 10th
“Harvest” by Zinaida Serebryakova (1915)
Miracles: You do not have to look for them. They are there, 24-7, beaming like radio waves all around you. Put up the antenna, turn up the volume ~ snap… crackle…this just in, every person you talk to is a chance to change the world. ~ Hugh Elliott
You may remember that beginning with the New Moon in Leo on August 8th, we are going to have a whole series of New Moons aspecting the planet Uranus. Lucky for us, the New Moon in Virgo on September 6th will be exactly trine Uranus. When an aspect between planets form a trine (120º) the planets involved are usually in the same element, allowing them to work harmoniously with one another. So if you were hoping to make some sort of change, this is the New Moon to work with.
The New Moon in Virgo is opening up a window for positive growth and change. Uranus dares us to step outside of our usual haunts, to take a jaunt in a new direction, to try something new. Not to the point that we become stressed and overwhelmed. But by stretching yourself just beyond your comfort zone, and into the awkward and unfamiliar territory of the new and untried we can open up a whole new world of experience and understanding.
We are creatures of habit and familiarity, and so we have a tendency to do things the same way over and over again. But when Uranus comes along we are more inclined to venture into unfamiliar territory. And if we are willing to do so even just a little bit, Uranus can reward us with a whole new perspective. Knowledge, invention and ingenuity are the children of Uranus. And sometimes, just by being willing to look at a problem from another perspective, we can suddenly see solutions where previously we saw none.
This is important. For ever since 2011 when Neptune entered Pisces we are forced to come face to face with this illusive demon in some form or another. And this New Moon, very widely opposing Neptune, is sandwiched between last week’s Mars/Neptune opposition (the fleeing from Afghanistan; the massive Cat 5 Hurricane that came ashore in New Orleans) and an exact Sun/Neptune opposition at the next quarter Moon on the 13th. It’s not for nothing that these storms and deluges seem to increase in strength from year to year, even while others are fleeing their homes in the western states due to increasingly fearsome fire storms. Our earth is in turmoil. In Virgo, each year we seem to struggle to make sense of the insensible, and reach for straws of desperation in looking for last minute solutions, even in the midst of chaos.
Virgo is a sign that strives for organization, and finding solutions. It is a sign that loves patterns, spreadsheets and efficiency. It is also a sign that continually strives for that ever-elusive concept of perfection, and so is naturally geared towards improvement, always searching for better methods and practices. And Uranus is here to lead the way, letting us all know that you don’t have to keep doing things the way we always have in the past. That there just might be some innovative solutions to the problems that plague us and our world. May it be so.
In our personal lives, New Moons are ideal times for planting seeds and starting anew, therefore New Moons are prime time for setting intentions or making positive affirmations. In get-down-to-business Virgo, this New Moon is especially good for initiatives that have to do with Virgo themes, such as: your work, your work space, simplifying and organizing your life, your schedule, your routines. And if you wanted to learn a new skill, or further perfect a skill you have, this is the Moon to set the intention to do so. It is a good Moon for beginning new health and wellness programs, or tweaking a diet, or exercise program, or following up with a whole new healthy regimen. A cleansing, detoxing, and purifying Moon, we are being asked to find ways to clear our spaces, our bodies and our minds, in order to make room for even better things to come.
I prefer to set intentions during the New Moon phase, when the Moon is at its youngest and filled with so much potential. The New Moon phase for the Virgo New Moon begins with the New Moon on September 6th (7th) at 8:52 pm Eastern Time here in the US; 5:52 pm Pacific Time; and 0:52 am Universal Greenwich Time on September 7th. The New Moon phase ends with the Crescent Moon on September 10th.
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: