October 1st ~ 8th
“Purity and Passion” by Franz Dvorak
We seek harm to none and harmony for all; Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true: That even as we grieved, we grew; That even as we hurt, we hoped; That even as we tired, we tried; That we’ll forever be tied together, victorious; Not because we will never again know defeat, but because we will never again sow division. ~ Amanda Gorman
The New Moon in Libra (13º 25’) on October 6th is so very closely conjunct conflicted Mars (13º 59’) while opposing Chiron in the martian sign of Aries, exposing our wounds, our regrets, and our passions. In Libra, we are in the mood for harmony and fairness. But we seem to be wistfully hoping for these in what appears to be a contentious and wounded environment. Normally when we think of Libra, we think of beautiful fall weddings, lawn parties, convivial and harmonious gatherings where we all just get along. But in the throes of Mars and Chiron, those lawn parties devolve into angry debates, and heretofore alliances now wither on the vine. And sometimes the scales of justice have to swing back and forth a few times before they finally settle at some sort of equilibrium.
Mars entangled in the New Moon wants us to DO something, to take some kind of action that will restore fairness and balance. Chiron is showing us our wounds, our deficits, our problems and issues. And they cannot be ignored. In this weather we can easily succumb to the should haves and could haves, filled with regret for the choices we have made along the way. All the betrayals. All the fears. But we are also being reminded with this New Moon, that what has been broken can also be made whole again.
It won’t necessarily be easy. Our work is cut out for us, with Pluto stationing direct on the same day as the New Moon. But when we remember what it is that we are fighting for: Fairness, Equality, Justice, Peace and Harmony, it brings us the motivation and the incentive to fight the good fight. We don’t have the luxury of standing on the side lines any more.
Planets are strong when they station. And when Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld stations, he digs even deeper than he normally does, unearthing and revealing all that has been lurking below the surface. What is disclosed are often things that we had hoped to keep buried forever, because we never wanted to deal with them in the first place: our fears, cravings, obsessions, the wraiths and demons that possess our souls. The things that we want to avoid, because they make us feel uncomfortable, disempowered, fearful, and wounded. But these are the very things that need to be fixed. These are the very things that undermine us. It takes some courage and resolve, and perhaps a bit of humility and pain.
Retrograde Mercury, still square stationing Pluto, has been digging up and revealing all that once lay buried. Secrets are revealed. News is received. And we can no longer ignore or avoid the elephant in the room. Nor can we continue to placate or ignore meanness or cruelty. It is time to confront that which unnerves us, undermines our confidence and our own agency and ability to be effective in the world.
It’s worth considering that perhaps our worst enemies, are not outside of us, but within. For what prevents us from daring to confront that which we would much rather avoid and not deal with, are our own internal dialogues and fears that some how we are unworthy and incapable.
But if we were to take away any lesson from the New Moon in Libra this year, it would be about having the courage to restore much needed harmony and well being in our lives. It is especially when things are the most tense, the most dire, that we need to make time for our own mental health and well-being. And thereby sow greater harmony in the world at large.
May we all breathe deep, and take things one day at a time, one step at a time. Settle your mind and count your blessings. Count your blessings at least once a day and as often as needed, and remain in the center of the storm. All the while exercising patience and equanimity in all things.
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: