October 28th ~ November 4th
Mars the Red Planet
Listen to yourself, and in that quietude, you might hear the voice of God. ~ Maya Angelou
Betwixt and between the eclipses we have two important events: Jupiter returns to Pisces on Friday for some unfinished business, and Mars comes to a standstill on October 30th, in preparation for its retrograde journey back through the sign of Gemini. Jupiter was previously in Pisces from the very end of 2021 thru May 10th of 2022. Hardly enough time to thoroughly take advantage of the opportunities that Jupiter in its own sign can bring. But perhaps long enough to plant some seeds of inspiration. Seeds that are now being rekindled, and reinvigorated, by Jupiter’s return to Pisces from October 28th thru December 20th.
Jupiter is oh, so strong in Pisces, and gives us the opportunity to go back and readdress anything that was left undone when Jupiter was previously in Pisces from December 2021 thru May 2022. Are there any loose ends that need tying up? Are we still on course with fulfilling the dreams and aspirations that were being seeded earlier this year? What promises were left unfulfilled that can now be revisited over the next few months?
Taking time to do nothing often brings everything into perspective. ~ Doe Zantamata
On October 30th, Mars stations for its retrograde phase at 25º Gemini 37’, which lasts thru January 12th, when Mars will make its direct station at 8º Gemini 08’. It is because of this retrograde phase that Mars remains in Gemini for a full 7 months. This is an unusually long time for Mars who usually only spends a few months in each sign. Mars is the planet that motivates us, that inspires us to take action and Do something. It speeds through the zodiac with steel plated zeal, and rampant enthusiasm, rarely pausing for breath. And yet pausing for breath is precisely what we are being asked to do during this retrograde journey back through the sign of Gemini.
Gemini is a sign of communications and messaging, as well as anything to do with transportation, driving, vehicles and travel. Mars in Gemini is normally on the go. But totally confabulated with a square to Neptune, all of that is subject to confusion and misapprehension. All the more reason to slow down the pace, and turn down the volume. Use patience and forethought while driving. Road rage and traffic issues could be an issue. Slow down. Take your time. And allow yourself to move into the retrograde phase, taking one day at a time, in order to de-escalate the pace. This is probably not the best time to purchase a vehicle, but it could be a good time to take care of much needed repairs, remodel or rebuild.
Recognize gossip, small talk and rumors for what they are, and don’t make assumptions that will only lead to misunderstandings. Don’t necessarily believe everything you hear as this is the sort of weather in which propaganda and deceptive messaging can swarm the air waves, and wreak havoc with the truth. Jumping to conclusions, and believing false information can not only lead people astray, and make the wrong choices, but can also lead to arguments and unnecessary battles that are doomed to fail. The consequences of our actions can ricochet when Mars is retrograde, so we will need to be extra cautious with what we say and do for the next several months. All the more so in November while Mars is still closely square Neptune.
While the Mars/Neptune square reigns in November there is an element of uncertainty, and simply not having all the answers yet. We are being asked to take a wait and see attitude, before we can proceed. While Mars is retrograde we are being asked to conserve our energy. We will need it later when Mars is direct again in January. In the mean time you could find it that much more difficult to be motivated. Think and wait before reacting to situations, and look carefully before leaping into the fray.
We have an election here in the United States on November 8th, the day of the Lunar Eclipse. With Mars retrograde in Gemini and square Neptune in Pisces, this will only further muddy the waters over the next few weeks. All the more so as it mirrors a similar aspect between Mars in Gemini and Neptune in Virgo in the US Sibley chart for July 4, 1776. If in the US, vote early and be clear as to who and what you are voting for and why.
While Mars is in its retrograde phase we are given the opportunity to lay down our weapons and tools, loosen the ties on our belts and shoes, and slow down the pace. This is when we are asked to re-explore the best ways to invest and direct our energy. We look within in order to re-examine our motives, making sure that we are using our energy wisely. And that we are doing so in a way that will serve our best interests. Through this process we will find ourselves revisiting the past and going back over some old ground, as we reevaluate motives, plans and actions.
The way forward is bound to be riddled with detours during the retrograde phase. Follow them without losing sight of the end goal and what is intrinsically important to you. We can’t always see clearly through the fog when Neptune is involved, as it will be through the end of November. It distracts us, fools us with mirages, and can lead us astray with fanciful notions. The sky is dark and barren of markers as we make our way forwards. We lack our usual tools of navigation. And yet some, in some way we are being asked to trust our own inner gps systems to lead us where we need to go.
For retrograde Mars in Gemini by sign and house, click below: