November 18th ~ 25th
“Sagittarius” by Johfra Bosschart
Every man must have something he follows ~ something that serves him as a lodestar. He who follows with conviction the beautiful and the good may feel themself strengthened by this saying. ~ The I Ching
On Wednesday, November 23rd we welcome in our New Moon in Sagittarius at 1º Sagittarius 38’. Just a mere 4 minutes after the New Moon, Jupiter, stations Direct at 28º Pisces 49’ only 3º from a perfect trine. Whenever Jupiter stations it does so with a supportive trine to the Sun instilling us with anticipation for what may come. This year, the station of Jupiter coincides with a trine to the New Moon which is in Jupiter’s own sign of Sagittarius.
Jupiter is speaking to us through the heart. And you may just feel the excitement and hope growing, as humanity as a whole is now feeling confident enough to move forward with their goals and aspirations. When Jupiter is in its retrograde phase it can often seem as if opportunities in the outer, material world are withdrawn, or put on hold. The focus is directed within during this period. But as Jupiter stations direct again, our attention is now being turned towards growth, and expanding our potential in the outer material world. Plans that had been put on hold, are now allowed to proceed. Promises that had been withdrawn can now be fulfilled. And so we all turn our faces towards the future.
Sagittarius is a sign of hope and aspiration. We have so many ideas, so many things that we would like to accomplish when our hearts are so invested in the future and the possibility it contains. With Mars retrograde and separating from a square to Neptune we still have to be mindful of having enough resources, time and energy. However, Mars is also now reapplying to a practical trine to Saturn encouraging us to create a road map for the future. But one that is realistically achievable.
Jupiter is really strong in its own sign of Pisces. Even stronger with a powerful sextile to Pluto. And whenever planets station, as Jupiter is on the day of the New Moon, they make their presence doubly known. Therefore this is a New Moon invested with so much potential!
Bringing ourselves in alignment with our aspirations and ideals is the first step on this fabulous journey. The challenge will be to avoid diving head first into the unknown without a compass or a parachute. This requires a certain amount of patience to allow the pieces to come together in the right order and at the right time. Therefore dream big, but then follow up those dreams with a realistic and achievable plan.
What the New Moon in Sagittarius is really good for:
Creating a Vision Board.
Philanthropic causes. With Sagittarius-ruler Jupiter in sextile to Pluto, causes that we invest in today, have a greater chance to grow and thrive.
Giving generously of your time, money and resources.
Going on an adventure, or planning a trip or vacation! In the sign of Sagittarius we have the opportunity to further expand and explore our horizons.
Spiritual quests and philosophizing on life. When in Sagittarius season we are encouraged to ask questions and gain some sort of deeper understanding of the meaning of our lives and purpose.
Expanding our minds, looking at things from another perspective, and learning something new.
Laughing uproariously. Just because.
Sagittarius has domain over: Adventures, journeys and traveling abroad. Other countries, other languages, other cultures, and other beliefs. Hiking, pathfinding, and exploration. Guides. Nature and the Great Out of Doors. Things that have the potential to expand and grow. Truth Seekers. Places of Worship. Spiritual Journeys. Religion, Philosophy and Higher Understanding. Higher Education. Universities, Clergy, Professors and Courts of Law. Taking Risks and Gambling. Abundance, extravagance and over-indulgence. Hunches, Intuition, Inner Guidance and Spiritual Guides. The Power of Believing.
Some positive intentions or affirmations for the New Moon in Sagittarius:
If you wish to make intentions or affirmations with the New Moon, a good time to do so would be during the New Moon phase which begins with the New Moon on November 23rd (5:58 PM EST; 2:58 Pacific Time; 10:58 pm Greenwich Universal Time) through the Waxing Crescent Moon on November 27th.
I am vast and large and I can feel myself opening up to a world of possibility.
My optimism and belief in the future knows no bounds.
I know the joy that comes from generosity and giving with an open heart.
Humor will carry me through even the most challenging of circumstances.
May I be filled with the confidence that things will work out in only the best possible way.
May I be led to a clearer understanding of the purpose and meaning of my life.
I am the pathfinder on the road to unexplored adventures and ever-expanding horizons.
For the New Moon in your natal Sign or House, click below: