February 11th ~ 18th
“La Plume Zodiac signs” by Alphonse Mucha
Today is life ~ the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto. ~ Dale Carnegie
Full Moons are times of culmination. They make us aware of things, and bring things to their conclusion. A lot of people are still sitting on the fence with much of the weather we’ve been experiencing. We keep wondering, should I stay or should I go? Should I wait, or should I venture on a chance, and go in a new direction? The Full Moon on Wednesday, February 16th at 28º of Leo, is right at the bending of the Nodes, at cross-quarters with the North and South Nodes. This feels like our lives are overlapping between an old and a new order. And if we find ourselves at a fork in the road, we may wonder which way to go. We see the value of the new path that is being offered to us, but in many ways we are still attached to an old order, with certain obligations, and what we are accustomed to. It’s what we know. But with a Jupiter/Uranus sextile perfecting just one day after the Full Moon, at some point we realize that in order to get to the other side, we’re going to need to let go of the shore.
Full Moons are often times when we are compelled to get off the fence or push away from the shore. With the Full Moon in Leo, we also want to make sure that our egos are not getting in the way of making the right decision. Are we making a choice because we think it will make us look better, or bring us more attention? It flatters the ego? Or are we making this choice because it really is the right thing to do, and can bring us to the other shore?
Jupiter sextile Uranus the day after the Full Moon is like a door of opportunity opening up, and showing us a new world of possibilities. Things fall at our feet unexpectedly and we have to quickly decide. Should I stay or should I go? Should I go out on a limb and take a chance? Know that this is a wonderful sextile of invention, inspiration and experimentation. And is often accompanied by a bit of daring, and a willingness to step out beyond our usual comfort zones, exploring new ideas, and new possibilities. And to do so without judgment or even expectation. Sometimes you just need to let go of the safety of the shore.
We are creatures of habit, and we don’t always realize it. We walk the same route, take the same commute to work, have our little morning rituals. The Jupiter/Uranus sextile is pushing us to take a different route, switch up our routines and rituals, try something new and different. We’re being asked to look at the world through a new and alternative lens, and change things up a little. Not so much that you feel as if you are going to have a panic attack, but just enough to open your mind to other options. Even small changes can have remarkable effects when Jupiter meets Uranus.
Jupiter/Uranus windows can also be remarkably illuminating. Discoveries are made. Revelations can be had that breathe some much needed light into our world. Problems are solved without us even trying, as solutions unfold from an unexpected corner. Some keywords for Jupiter/Uranus are: Ingenuity, Freedom, Release, Liberation, and Exploration. This is a time to be fascinated. To have things revealed to you that can change your perspective. It is possible with this wonderful aspect, that in some department of your life, things will never look quite the same again. And that’s the whole point.
Jupiter/Uranus transits can be fleeting, unobserved and quick. Here today and gone tomorrow. But if you pay attention it can also bring enlightenment, liberation, freedom, and unexpected opportunities to solve a problem or relieve yourself of some cumbersome burden. In order to be open to the Jupiter/Uranus transit you have to move into it. Try changing up your usual routine in some way. Not to the point of becoming stressed out. Just enough to venture into the territory of the new and untried. Engage new ideas. Consider solutions being revealed to you. Allow yourself to be fascinated. And dare to flaunt your own brand of original genius, even if it raises a few eyebrows now and then.
One thing that can become apparent when Jupiter and Uranus work together is that we don’t always have to keep doing things the way we have in the past. That there might actually be better ways of doing things that can make our lives easier, open up our worlds, and allow us to see things from a whole new perspective.
Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it may bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country. ~ Anaîs Nin
Note on the Venus/Mars conjunction: Venus and Mars are exactly conjunct this week, and will be over the next several weeks. Venus/Mars contacts are often passionate and steamy. But channelled through Capricorn we can use that passion to achieve excellence, and perhaps some personal bests. In Capricorn it’s all about quality and putting our best foot forward. Do what you love and do it with perfection. Venus/Mars will be traveling together until March 20th, so stay tuned! There’s more to come.
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: