March 18th ~ 25th
“Buddha Moon - Buddha Stones” by H. Kopp-Delaney
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world. ~ Harriet Tubman
We begin the week with our Spring Cleaning Full Moon in Virgo, soon to be followed by the Equinox on March 20th when the Sun makes its annual Ingress into Aries. This is when we are asked to do a thorough Spring cleaning in our lives, sweeping out the remnants of the year that was, preparing for the new year to come. It is the last Full Moon in Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere, when the worms and snakes slither up from the beneath the ground, like Persephone emerging from Hades’ lair. And as we sweep away the dust of the year that was, we make ourselves ready to greet the Spring with a sense of renewal and hope.
The Full Moon in Virgo (March 17-18th) opposes the Sun and Neptune, while also closely trine Pluto and the North Node in Taurus. This practical Full Moon asks us to reach for the stars, dream our dreams, but then find ways to make them a closer reality in our daily lives. This Moon takes this even further, rearranging the field by bringing people with a specific path together in order to fulfill their destiny. So we are being asked: what dreams do we aspire to? And what are we willing to sacrifice in order to make those dreams a closer reality?
In Pisces season we are asked to get in touch with our own inner vision. To find deeper meaning in our lives. All the more so now that Jupiter in his largesse is approaching its conjunction to boundless Neptune. The Virgo Moon is asking us to use our skills to their best advantage, and to invest our every day lives with that meaning.
One of the most salient qualities to the sign of Pisces is its boundless capacity to embrace the world and all of its beings in a heart’s embrace. With tears of compassion, our hearts weep deeply when engulfed in Neptune’s realm. But through the focus of the Virgo Full Moon, we are being asked to look for practical solutions and ways to express that heart-felt devotion. This can be through charitable means on a much larger scale, but it can also be through what we do, and how we behave in our everyday lives. Altruistic notions mean little unless we actually put them into practice. Even small everyday actions have deeper significance when we invest what we do with this sort of devotion.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiacal year, and so is symbolic of new beginnings. Like a chick freshly hatched from its egg, we look with hope at what may be. And so it is that the Ingress chart for the Aries Equinox sets the tone not just for the next quarter, but for the year ahead. In this chart the Sun is sextile to Pluto in the last degrees of Capricorn. Pluto will not enter Aquarius until 2023-24. The time leading up to this has been something of a preparatory phase, setting the foundation for the Pluto in Aquarius era. As a result, society is going through some serious growing pains, and as such are on the verge of some major transformations. However, in the mean time we are going to have to suffer through the uncertainty and instability that comes in the darkness just before the dawn.
Which brings us to the squares from Venus and Mars to Uranus this week. Unpredictable, explosive, and rebellious, this is the sort of tempestuous weather that needs to be navigated very carefully. An exact conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter is attempting to bring both a higher perspective, and some radical diplomacy to this situation but it won’t be easy in this age of propaganda and disinformation. The last thing we need to do is trip this live wire of a powder keg.
However a Moon/Pluto square in the Ingress chart may leave us no choice. This anaretic Moon in the last few minutes of the last degree of Libra is void of course but still closely square Pluto. It clings to the last vestiges of its diplomatic base, wanting to maintain the peace at all costs. Even as this Moon, the People, the Societal Base is being drawn into the depths of a Plutonian nightmarish struggle for power, from which it might be difficult to extricate ourselves. We will though. And once achieved, will change the narrative for generations to come. As a society we are on the cusp of some sort of global transformation. We are evolving. But now we need to prove it through our actions and behavior.
Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will. Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. ~ Frederick Douglass (1857)
In our own lives, use the Virgo Full Moon on March 18th to reassess your daily routines, habits and those things that you do to support your own health and well-being on a regular basis. What is no longer working for you? Let them go. What needs to be added? Where can you make some improvements? The aim for this Full Moon is to bring more peace and well-being into your life. So anything that is cluttering up your life, or leading away from that goal needs to be disposed of, dropped or reconsidered. Don’t ignore those serendipitous meetings, or ideas that seem to pop into your head. There may be something there! Ask yourself, where you want or need to make improvements. Then follow through, and make these a part of your daily life moving forward.
For this week’s horoscopes, click below: