April 8th ~ 15th
“Midsummer Eve” by Edward Robert Hughes
Faeries, come take me out of this dull world, For I would ride with you upon the wind, Run on the top of the disheveled tide, And dance upon the mountains like a flame. ~ William Butler Yeats
Neptune has been in the sign of Pisces since 2011. Jupiter just entered Pisces in 2021. But this week Jupiter will make its exact conjunction to Neptune, magnifying all the Neptunian influences that have been marinating on the back burner of our lives. What is particularly special about this conjunction is that Jupiter and Neptune are the ruling planets of the sign Pisces, and as such are strong and more able to fully express their most fundamental qualities, benefiting all those who are visionary and inspired. The last time these two were conjunct in Pisces was in 1856, so this is a rare and glorious event. And perhaps the most important theme that Jupiter/Neptune can show us are the ways that we are all so intimately connected in the most fundamental ways: spiritually, emotionally, even physically and economically. They speak to our common humanity, and speak through us through our compassion and good will.
Conjunctions are about new beginnings, and Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces represent infinite potential. Infinite potential to fulfill our ideals, to put our ideals into action, and to reach beyond our material circumstances, allowing our dreams to become a closer reality. Where we go south with the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction is by getting caught up in unrealistic ventures, over-romanticizing our hopes and goals, or by allowing ourselves to be led down the garden path of deception into the land of the lost. Jupiter magnifies Neptune for the good and the ill.
Positively Jupiter/Neptune can show us the fundamental practicality of our interdependence with each other and all of life. And what can come of this is that by working together toward a common cause, we are capable of creating something beautiful and awe-inspiring. Something that can benefit the greater good. And in our own individual lives, Jupiter/Neptune will lead us to realize that there are worlds that transcend the conventional world, reaching beyond the limits of time and space. And when we live our lives in conformity with our highest ideals and aspirations, we can find ways to make those ideas a guiding principle in our lives.
Although Jupiter/Neptune sets the tone for much of the year, it does so under a cloud. Coming after the Mars/Saturn conjunction, Saturn is now perfecting its square to the Nodes this week, casting a net of fear and apprehension. And this is at the same time that Jupiter and Neptune are sowing seeds of compassion. Lest we forget, both Jupiter and Neptune are both sextile the North Node, speaking to our common humanity as well as our common destiny.
Even though it may not always seem so, humanity is evolving on these subtle planes, that will influence us for years to come. Jupiter/Neptune draw us to experience the spiritual, the creative, the dreamy,, the transcendent and the beautiful; while asking us to be inspired by the Good, the Ideal, the True and the Just. We are being asked to realize our own highest ideals, and to live them with conviction, not just in name only. And in doing so, influence others to do the same.
It takes only a few individuals to create a center of attraction. Therefore make it a point to be a center for incalculable good, profound idealism, humanitarian ethics, socially just kindness, and conscientious compassion. When we come to realize that we are not alone, and that we are all here struggling together in this great cosmic ocean we call life, we can accomplish so much more than we ever could on our own.
The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction takes place on Tuesday, April 12th. To make the most of it you will need to make some space in your life, and turn down the noise. We have a tendency to live our lives in a state of utter distraction. Distractions serve as a panacea, but also places our attention outside of ourselves. But Jupiter/Neptune are begging us to look for the solutions within, not without. Either by listening for the still, small voice of intuition or conscience, or to connect with our own inner guides, that divine spark within. If we continue to bustle through our lives we could miss the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) messages that this glorious conjunction can impart. So it is necessary to turn down some of the noise and commotion in order to do so.
What the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction will benefit:
Creative insight: All those who are creatively inclined, whether in the arts or in the sciences. Pisces is a sign of inspiration and insight, and Jupiter aims to expand the imagination and our ability to visualize a better way of being.
The Arts: Music, Dance, Theater, Film. Any medium through which you can express your most divine inspirations.
Spiritual Insight: Those on a spiritual path, or with a vision for the future. Spiritual practices are likely to be more profound more effective and insightful. Anything from dreamwork to prayer will benefit through this window.
Mind/Body practices: Yoga, Tai Chi, ChiGong, Dance, anything that allows spirit to move through you.
Compassion in Action: Putting our spiritual aspirations into practical application, through compassionate acts, and mutually rewarding experiences. Concepts such as interdependence and recognizing how we are all connected on both the subtle and even the gross levels of existence are being demonstrated in our everyday lives.
To see how the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction will affect your Sign, click below.