August 12th ~ 19th
“The Astronomer” by Johannes Vermeer
When we least expect it life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny. ~ Paulo Coelho
The Aquarius Full Moon on August 11th had all the hallmarks of a typical Full Moon phase: a time of culmination, seeing the consequences and ramifications of previous actions, and a feeling of revelation. But there is one other significance that cannot be ignored. And that had to do with the Full Moon being at the bending of the Nodes. For this is the mid-point betwixt and between the two Lunar Eclipses this year: the Lunar Eclipse on May 16th and the upcoming Lunar Eclipse on November 8th.
And much like the upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8th, the Full Moon in Aquarius was closely aligned with the Saturn/Uranus square. The Full Moon on Thursday was conjunct Saturn and closely square Uranus. The Lunar Eclipse in November will be exactly conjunct Uranus and square Saturn. Like bookends, the Full Moon stood as a turning point, an adjustment, a piece of the puzzle. And what made it even more edgy was the exact conjunction between Uranus, Mars and the North Node on July 31st that preceded it.
Within this picture, this dynamic metaphor for unpredictability and change, is a story trying to unfold. Perhaps many stories building upon one another. All with the intention of bringing us precisely where we need to be. But not without having to navigate the conflicts being stirred up through the Saturn/Uranus squares: the Old vs. the New; the Past vs. the Future; maintaining the Status Quo vs. going off in a New Direction; Oppression vs. Freedom; or Stability and Responsibility vs. Anarchy and Chaos.
And so we stand here this week between the Full Moon and the station of Uranus on August 24th, betwixt and between, and also between the two eclipse seasons. And taking advantage of the fluidity of this turning point in the year, it is helpful once again to consider:
What are the patterns or habits that you might want to change in your life?
How might you be able to breathe some fresh air into your daily routines?
What habits, obligations or burdens are you carrying, that are beginning to feel overly oppressive and limiting?
What changes or adjustments can you make that will allow you greater freedom to live your life according to your terms?
What would it mean for you to live a freer, more authentic life and lifestyle?
Are you living your own best life, or are you living the life that others tell you you are supposed to be living?
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: