September 23rd ~ 30th
“Drawing Room in Holland Park” by Anna Alma Tadema
I feel that art has something to do with the achievement of stillness in the midst of chaos. A stillness which characterizes prayer, too, and the eye of the storm. I think that art has something to do with an arrest of attention in the midst of distraction. ~ Saul Bellow
What a wild ride this retrograde has been! No sooner does Mercury station retrograde in Libra the sign of balance and equilibrium, or should I say disequilibrium in my case, and the bottom falls out of my world. Still a little dizzy, but nothing I can’t cope with at this time, and I’m soooo happy to be back home, and able to get back to what I love to do most. In the mean time I’ve learned so much about the world of neurology, vertigo and vestibular disorders! So interesting. And now looking forward to the New Moon in Libra to restore the vestiges of what’s left of my floundering equilibrium. Please forgive any typos or mistakes, Mercury is still retrograde after all.
This year, the New Moon in Libra falls on September 25th (or 26th, depending on where you are in the world) at 2º Libra 49’; at 5:55 pm EDT, 2:55 pm PDT and 10:55 pm British Daylight Time. It is conjunct retrograde Mercury and Venus now at the end of Virgo, and closely opposite retrograde Jupiter in Aries.
The New Moon also falls at the focal point of a configuration referred to in astrology as Thor’s Hammer. This is where 2 planets (in this case, Saturn and Uranus) are in a powerful square aspect to one other, and then each aspect a 3rd point: in this case, our New Moon in Libra, by a tense 135º angle.
Considering Thor’s Hammer: this is the sort of New Moon that will make you more aware of a conflict or unresolved chaos. Libra weighs the options: Should I take the safe route? Stay with what is familiar, tried and true? Or should I take a risk, go all out on a limb, and try something new? Sometimes it becomes apparent at these times, that when we keep trying to do things the same way, over and over, we are only going to keep getting the same results. Perhaps it is time for a new approach. Or at the very least, a new perspective.
Saturn and Uranus are at total odds with one another. The clash of these titans can feel like utter chaos, disruption and mayhem. And can exaggerate this feeling of ‘us vs. them’. What Saturn values feels so threatened by the uncertainty of Uranus, and the freedom that Uranus values feels trapped by Saturn’s need to control and stabilize.
Thor’s Hammer is a configuration of tension that has been building up over time. We may have been trying to ignore it, kick the can down the road, or hope it will go away. We may not have even known it was there. And then all of a sudden it makes itself known by crashing down on us. Now what had been a minor irritation can no longer be ignored, and has to be addressed. Note, that this New Moon is something of a preview for the Lunar Eclipse on November 8th, where things are likely to be brought to a climax. So weighing our options carefully at the Libra New Moon, is not only practical but wise. This is where we can make the accommodations. Or at the very least become aware of the issues that can no longer be ignored.
Libra is a sign of peace and equilibrium. When presented with any growing conflicts, and considering our options with the New Moon it will be hard to make hard and fast decisions. 6 planets are retrograde, including Mercury. Mars is also already slowing for its retrograde phase which begins at the end of October. We are at the inferior conjunction of Mercury on the 23rd, the Equinox, when insights and useful information can become available. But there are all those retrogrades, and Libra is also a sign often riddled by indecision. When in Libra we weigh all our options very, very carefully, and this takes time. We cannot and must not be rushed. Even by Jupiter.
The opposition to Jupiter could feel overwhelming for some. Like a massive wave of information cascading over the horizon, it is all we can do to sort out the skeins and fragments of our lives. But one of the keys to working within the sign of Libra is moderation and balance, even when we are being pushed! Even when, and especially when, we are being inundated.
The Libra New Moon can help us to regain balance and equanimity in our lives. Even in the face of all that retrograde chaos, and even when accelerated and exaggerated by Jupiter and Thor’s Hammer. It’s like placing ourselves in the eye of the storm in order to regain our perspective.
What New Moon in Libra is really good for:
Having consideration for others: treating others as you would like to be treated. Showing respect to others through small gestures of politeness, and random acts of kindness can go a long way in this weather.
Practicing the art of diplomacy: so much more can be achieved with even just a little bit of honey, as opposed to a gallon of vinegar.
Open negotiations: When we are more likely to see the other’s point of view, we are more likely to arrive at an equitable resolution.
Consulting a professional, or getting advice from an expert.
Working on your image: How do you wish to be seen by others? And what can you do to improve your image?
Creating beauty and harmony, either with others or within your environment. Sometimes just spiffing up a corner of the room, or adding a throw pillow can make all the difference.
Surrounding yourself in art and beauty. Buy flowers, go to an art museum, get your hair or nails done. Paint that chair, hang those curtains, decorate the hall with pictures.
Practice balance, harmony, fairness, equality and moderation. All the more so when feeling inundated. Staying at the center of the storm is key for this Moon.
Libra has domain over: Partnerships, marriage, others. Counsel and getting advice including legal advice. Mentorship. Mediation and Diplomacy. Charm, Manners, Kindness and Public Relations. Peace and Harmony. Moderation and Balance. Decor, decorators and decorations. Anything sweet and with a touch of sugar. Aesthetics, Beauty and Art. Hair and Nail Salons and Spas. Makeovers. Creating an Image. Treaties, Agreements, Allies and Alliances. Open Enemies, Competitors and Rivals. Interviews, Debates. Justice and Equality, Fairness. Equilibrium. Leveling the playing field. Compromise and finding points of agreement. Seeing both sides. Understanding. Metabolic functions and balance.
New Moon in Libra homework: Looking at things from another person’s perspective. What does it feel like to be in someone else’s shoes? What might you do to restore moderation, balance and harmony in your life? What compromises can you make in order to achieve greater fairness? Which are the alliances in your life that complete you and allow you to grow? And which are those that are draining you? What are your expectations of others and they of you? Ask: How can I improve my image?
Intentions or affirmations with the New Moon:
If you wish to make intentions or affirmations with this Moon a good time to do so is within the New Moon phase which begins with the New Moon on September 25th, 5:55 PM EDT (2:55 PM PDT; 10:55 PM Greenwich Time) through the Waxing Crescent Moon on September 29th.
I want to see myself creating more balance between the various obligations of my life.
Moderation is the center wherein all philosophies, both human and divine, meet. ~ Benjamin Disraeli
I am both an example for, and an instrument for peace, love and understanding.
Through compromise, and a willingness to yield, I succeed.
I aim to fill my life with grace and kindness and walk in beauty and harmony.
I can achieve more with a dollop of honey and charm, than I can with a gallon of vinegar.
Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.
May I trust that I am perfectly guided, so that no matter which direction I choose, it is the one I need.
When I place my trust in the greater good of all, we all benefit.
By finding points of agreement with others, I sow balance and harmony in the world.
May I remain in the center of the storm, exercising patience and equanimity in all things.
I want to see myself graciously giving and receiving in my relationships with others.
May I find the best style for me, that projects the image I wish most to convey to others.
AS the days get shorter and the nights are getting longer here in the Northern Hemisphere, the Libra New Moon stands at the balance between Light and Darkness. And with Mercury retrograde until October 2nd, there is opportunity to look back and gain a deeper understanding of what has brought us to this place where we are now. Once the planets are direct again, we don’t want to carry the regrets of the past into the future with us. Therefore the abundance of retrograde activity is the perfect time to release, let go, and achieve a healthy level of acceptance and even gratitude for our current situations. So may it be.
For this week’s horoscopes, click below: