The New Moon in Cancer 2023

July 14th ~ 21st

“Cancer” by Johfra Bosschart

Yes, Nature always does speak, don’t you think? Only sometimes we make so much noise that we drown her voice. That is why it is so restful to go out of the town and nestle awhile in the Mother’s arms. I am thinking of the evening on Hampstead Heath when we watched the sun go down; but oh! upon what suffering and misery that sun had set in Whitechapel! And yet we, who are the sisters the these, have only a right to use Hampstead Heaths to gain strength to save Whitechapels. ~ Florence Nightingale

The Cancer New Moon falls at 24º Cancer 56’, on July 17th at 2:32 pm (EDT) here in New York City, 7:32 pm Greenwich time, 11:32 am Pacific. Cancer is a sign of safety and security, with a yearning for familiarity, roots and protection. It is not unusual during Cancer season to circle the wagons, and gather the clan. We see out those whom we are most comfortable with. Those who nourish our souls and feed our hearts. And this may be all the more so this year, as the New Moon in Cancer falls at cross quarters with the changing Nodes and opposes Pluto. This may find you seeking comfort where comfort can be found, and asking yourself who you go to for consolation and support. Who do you feel you can trust and go to, when you are needing safety and comfort? 

With Pluto perfecting its square to the Nodes on July 23rd, and the Nodes shifting to the Aries/Libra axis this week, we are in a tremendous time of change and transformation. The Solar Eclipse on April 19th/20th was square Pluto as well. And because Pluto is not straying very far from that Eclipse point at 29º of Aries, almost all year and next, it sort of extends this eclipse, like a long, drawn out transition from one era to the next. And we’re all being carried along for the ride. 

Like a phoenix throwing itself into the fire, when we ride the tail winds of Pluto we can experience something of a metaphoric death, which then gives birth to a new beginning. It can feel like terrible destruction as we are moving through these Plutonic waves, but in fact it is about giving birth to a new life and a new way of being. Pluto is always so much deeper than at first realized, uncovering layers beneath the surface, unfolding our karmic destiny, and revealing our life’s purpose. 

New Moons are about New Beginnings. And this one is asking us to return to that place of safety and security, to replenish ourselves in the healing waters of the Cancer New Moon. Doing so gives us the the strength to then go out and meet the world on its own terms.  Cancer has domain over such things as home, family, our roots and family traditions, our community, our clan, our tribe. These are the things that support us and feed us, and give us a sense of belonging. Maya Angelou defined home as the safe place where we can go as we are, and not be questioned. And if you were to define home for yourself, what would that be? Would it be a particular place? Would it be about a particular community, or people? Is it a place where you can go to feel safe? These foundations are like our roots. When they are well watered, and our emotional and personal foundations are strong and well supported, then we are prepared and capable of withstanding even the most treacherous of storms and circumstances. 

The Grand Cross created by the Sun, Pluto and the changing Nodes will actually come to perfection on Friday, just as Pluto is perfecting its square to the Nodes, and Venus is stationing for its retrograde phase. There could be an element of intensity looming in the distance. All the more reason to shore up our foundations, and seek safety and refuge, in whatever ways that is relevant for us. 

The New Moon is also closely sextile Uranus  and trine Neptune, asking us all to dive into the depths of our Cancer lives, retreat, seek consolation and security. Because you just never know what life may bring in the foreseeable future. Look to see where you have 22-28º of Cancer in your natal chart, for that is where you will find your refuge, consolation and support. There is a certain spiritual power that is implied by the Sabian Symbol for 25º of Cancer, the degree of the New Moon. The New Moon is our secret super power, symbolized by a ‘mantle of power’ or some sort of providential assistance which allows certain individuals to become true leaders within their community.  

The mother says: be gentle with yourself, be kind, life can be hard, but there is so much beauty. no need to push. let the harshness melt out of you. return home to your heart so you can return home to yourself. ~ Jessica Besser

If you wish to make intentions with the New Moon in Cancer, do so after the New Moon on the 17th and thru the Crescent Moon on the 21st, while the Moon is still young. Make your intentions positive, and make them heartfelt. Some examples for positive affirmations or intentions for this Moon might be:

  • May I appreciate that the ability to feel empathy and sensitivity are strengths. 

  • I am aligned with the tides of the Moon, trusting that it will lead me where I need to go.

  • May I channel the Great Mother as the giver and supporter of all Life.

  • May I create a sanctuary of peace, safety and security within my own home. 

  • I honor the vast field of experience known as the imagination, where all things are possible.

  • With the heart of a Lunar God(dess) I support and sustain all of life’s children as if they were my own.

For the New Moon in Cancer for your sign or house placement, click below: 


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