The New Moon in Leo 2023

August 11th ~ 18th

“Louis XIV as Apollo” as designed by Henri de Gissey

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. So if you’re feeling uncomfortable right now, know that the change taking place in your life is a beginning, not an ending. ~ Neale Donald Walsch

On August 13th, Venus dances across the face of the Sun and becomes Queen for a Day. In the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, “The King and I”, Anna is invited into the palace to tutor the children of the King of Siam. Confounded by differing customs and perspectives, Anna finds herself under the sway of the regent, where “no head can be higher than the King.” In the end they will finally go their own ways. But there is this brief respite, when the King of Siam, and the governess from England, are seen dancing together across the stage (although Anna is doing so backwards and in a giant flouncy dress & heels).

When retrograde Venus is exactly conjunct the Sun, or cazimi, it is time to get to the heart of the matter. This is where we come face to face with our priorities and values. This includes how well we value ourselves and what we have to offer. This is where we will set the tone for the duration of the next 19 month cycle of Venus. It is in essence, the New Venus cycle, which in turn, is soon followed up this week with the New Moon at 23º of Leo, on August 16th. Gracefully attended by Venus in all of her retrograde finery and flair, she may no longer be Queen for the day, by the time of the New Moon, but she still plays her part.

The Leo New Moon is a moon filled with creative potential, vital energy and a passion for life. And so this is a great moon for setting the intention to be open to inspiration, to follow through with any creative insights, to reclaim your joy, as well as your passion. In addition to following on the heels of the New Venus cycle, what makes this New Moon unlike other Leo New Moons is its exact square to Uranus. What Uranus brings to the table is that we are being given some leeway here to bend the rules. The New Moon still serves the purpose to inspire others, but it may even inspire those who are not normally inspired, because of this ability to shift gears, go in a new direction, or do things a little differently. 

This is just one of many New Moons tied up with Uranus, both this year and next, up until the New Moon on May 7th, 2024, which is conjunct (in the same degree of Taurus as) Uranus. Changeable, unpredictable, original, and unabashedly authentic, we’re all in for a bit of a ride over the next 9 months. Just look at the things that Uranus has domain over: Electricity, lightning, modern technology and innovation, Freedom, sudden mishaps and mayhem, Miracles, Surprises, and Glimpses into the Future. 

When the New Moon is square Uranus, as this one is, we may find ourselves needing to adjust to changes that were already made, and/or preparing for changes that are well nigh due. If you find yourself adjusting to any new changes, you could be feeling like you are in unfamiliar territory, feeling out a new environment and its expectations. If that is the case, make the intention with the New Moon to be open to the changes that are being brought to you now, for they are trying to open up our lives to new possibilities. And resisting them will be futile. It may take a little adjustment, but doing so will bring growth in ways that you might not have thought previously possible. 

If you do find yourself resisting changes that would benefit you, you are only going to feel really really restless. This would be because you are outgrowing your current circumstances, and it is time to be freed up in order to explore something new. 

Uranus will station for its retrograde phase on August 29th. The retrograde stations are preceded each year by a square to the Sun (as it currently is doing just hours before the New Moon). Whenever Uranus is involved with the New or Full Moons it is indicative of the need for: Authenticity, Freedom of personal Expression, Change and Flexibility. 

This New Moon is also trine Chiron, indicating that change is not just for the sake of change, but also for the fresh new perspective it can bring. If we are willing to make the sorts of changes that will allow us to grow on some fundamental levels, then it can also lead us to a path of healing and conciliation. 

If you wish to make intentions or affirmations, the best time to do so will be after the New Moon on August 16th thru the Crescent Moon on the 20th. 

Some possible affirmations or intentions for the New Moon in Leo might be: 

  • May I allow the vital force of the Solar God fill me with its energy and life sustaining power.

  • When I believe in myself, I walk with radiance and confidence.

  • May any resistance to joy and happiness be lifted from me. 

  • May I speak from the heart, and with the courage of a lion.

  • May I be a conduit for the creative intelligence of the Universe.

  • I lead by example, channeling love and dignity in all that I do. 

  • I am the Sun around which all else revolves, therefore like the Sun, may I bring inspiration and light to all.

Sweet joy befall thee as in your own Bosom you bear your heaven and Earth and all you behold… ~ William Blake

For this week’s horoscopes, click below:


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