September 29th ~ October 6th
“The Harvest Moon” by Samuel Palmer
We know that when a woman speaks truth to power, there will be attempts to put her down. I’m not going anywhere. ~ Maxine Waters (Moon in Aries)
This year’s Harvest Moon, the Full Moon closest to the Equinox, will rise on Thursday and Friday evening, September 28th and 29th. The last of this year’s Super Moons, the Full Moon will be a bit larger and brighter. Not quite as bright as the Full Moon on August 30th, this one should still be spectacular if you are lucky enough to have clear skies. Check your calendar for rising times in the evening and setting times in the morning. The Moonrise will be accompanied by Saturn shortly after it rises. And as the Moon sets in the early morning hours in the West, it will be accompanied by Mercury, now rising as a morning star rising in the East.
The Harvest Moon at 6º of Aries, is exact on September 29th, and will be perhaps even more perfect the evening before as it rises in the East. The Aries Full Moon is in direct contrast to the Libra Sun and although not an eclipse itself, is shining a light on the recent nodal shift into Aries and Libra.
Aries is the sign of the noble warrior, courageous and independent. The ruling planet of Aries is currently in Libra, and will be conjunct the South Node (the true Node) on October 4th. Full Moons are times of culmination. This can bring the fulfillment or consequence of prior actions and decisions. It can also bring things out into the open for all to see. It can also present a time of crisis, in which you can no longer ignore a situation, in hopes that it would just go away quietly. It won’t.
Our emotions are on the surface at the Full Moon, and in the sign of Aries you can expect those emotions to be heated, impatient, passionate and expressive. Things move quickly around the Aries Moon. And they often bring the desire to take some sort of action. This could be toned down by Mars being in Libra, which usually avoids confrontation. But confrontation can not so easily be avoided with this Moon, where the ruling planet Mars is also conjunct the South Node. We may try to avoid confrontation, or having to take some kind of action, but we will soon become aware of the consequences and ramifications of doing so.
Like a pre-eclipse prep session, the Full Moon will give us a bit of a hint of what it is that we are needing to release with the next series of eclipses. This may be something that is no longer relevant for where you are now. Something that you have outgrown. Or something that you may have not even been aware of, at least until now. And once you become aware of a habit, pattern, or tendency, you will not be able to un-see it again. Pay attention to what the Full Moon is shining a light on this week, for this is something that should not be ignored.
We are still in the season of Libra the scales, so with the Full Moon in Aries you could feel the urgency to have to make up your mind about something. What you don’t want to do is to be impulsive about it. Do weigh your decisions carefully. Use the clarity of the Aries Moon to see precisely what you are dealing with. The other consequence of the Full Moon in Aries, is to be feeling extremely restless and impatient because things are not moving quickly enough. This could be especially so with all of the planets beyond Mars still in their retrograde phases. Thankfully Mercury and Venus are direct again and moving out of their shadow, picking up speed, but the rest of the planets make it feel as if we are wading through mud. And the Full Moon can find quite a few people howling at the Moon this week, trying to get things moving again.
The consequences of what we learn this week, or come to a realization about, can be quite profound. Pluto is still within range of being at the bendings (square) the Nodes, and will perfect a square to Mars as well on October 8th. There’s no telling what we can achieve when we have the courage of our convictions. Be cautious though. This is the sort of weather that can make or break alliances, and shift the emphasis. We can surely motivate through truth telling, and through right action. But we can also do the opposite if we come on too strong, appear too demanding, try to force other people to our side, or are appear threatening. Likewise, if there are certain negative elements that have been holding you back. This is when you will be reassessing whether or not you want those energies around you any more.
Use the Full Moon to clear the air. Remove yourself from dissatisfactory environments, or reassess alliances that are no longer working. It will soon become apparent what is or is no longer appropriate for you. If you don’t do it yourself now, you may be forced to do so during the eclipse seasons. What are you needing to leave behind? What negative elements are you ready to release? What is holding you back? What are you no longer willing to compromise? This is a great Moon for cleansing, letting go, and then moving on to the next leg of your journey.
For the Full Moon for your sign, click below: