December 6th ~ 13th
“Nonchaloir” by John Singer Sargent
Mars Stations Retrograde
It is wise to pause in view of the danger, and to retreat. However, this is merely a preparation for overcoming the obstructions. This requires the will to persevere just when one apparently must do something that leads away from his goal. This unswerving inner purpose brings good fortune in the end. ~ The I Ching
When Mars stations for its retrograde phase our energy, motivation and will begins to lag. It is not unusual to feel stalled or exhausted at these biennial stations. Sometimes it behooves us to slow down. And that is not the worst of it. The issue with Mars retrograde is that this is when Mars is at its closest point to the earth, and all of that strong Martian energy is being channeled within. And like a hot festering wound it can not and will not be ignored. What we do not want to do is feed the seething aspects of Mars, to foster it, or lay claim to it.
One of the dangers of a retrograde Mars is to internalize the negative attributes of that scalding Mars, such as anger, aggression and frustration. This only results in resentment and passive aggression. Mars stations at 6º Leo, a sign that can be distorted as arrogance and entitlement as Mars appears to shift in all his glory. Like a monarch dethroned, or the mighty falling from on high, we could see some of this entitlement reach a breaking point first with the Mars/Pluto opposition on January 3rd, and then with its opposition to the Sun on January 15th, which is when Mars will be perigee, or at its closest point to the earth in its cycle. Both dates will need to be watched closely.
Retreat is often the better part of valor during the retrograde phase of Mars which will last through February 23rd. Rarely does anyone win in these retrograde periods where all are going to be digging in their heels, trying to reclaim their positions. Perhaps even in a fugue of desperation. But do not confuse retreat with cowardice or surrender. This is when we are being asked to go back to the war room, plan, prepare, and reserve our strength for the onslaught that will come later when Mars is direct again. Skillful and strategic retreat is not about giving up or trying to escape. It requires focus, strength and discipline.
In our personal lives, these retrograde phases of Mars offer us an opportunity to disengage from the pressures of our everyday lives. Instead of taking up arms, we are asked to leave them at the door, and not engage in combat. Rather than trying to prove yourself, by competing with and besting everyone else, or trying to prove your superiority and prowess over others, you are asked to restore your confidence within. And then by finding confidence in your own inner power, there is no need to engage in the daily combat of our lives.
Know that the aggressor rarely wins when Mars is retrograde and that anger and aggression ricochets. Therefore avoid things that will only become more embroiled and frustrating, such as: Initiating or engaging in unnecessary conflict (or beginning a war); Beginning a lawsuit; or declaring Martial Law (!). Traditionally it is also advised to avoid buying new machinery, including cars (especially while Mercury is also retrograde).
The general advice for the retrograde phase of Mars, is to not engage hostility or adversarial conditions. Rather develop the positive attributes of Mars, such as courage, even in the face of adversity; independence, even in the face of coercion; of strength and conviction even in the face of turmoil. In this way you become so secure in your own power and authority, that you merely bend, instead of break under pressure. These are also the qualities that heroes are made of.
This is when we are asked to connect with our Why. To connect with our true motives. But we cannot do this if we are holding on to anger and resentment. We cannot restore our energy and strength, if we waste all of our energy engaging in conflict.
Mars will remain in Leo until January 6th. Until then use the Mars retrograde to think about where you excel, and what you are good at. Mars in Leo aims to impress, and even if you are unable to make an impression during the retrograde phase, think of this as a trial run. Where do you want to excel? Where do you want to achieve Pride of Place? During the retrograde phase of Mars seek to perfect those things that you already do well, and do them even better. Then in April, when Mars is direct again and returns to Leo, you’ll be ready to step up to the plate and show the world what you are capable of achieving.
Neptune stations Direct
There is a real world, but it is beyond this glamour, and this vision, beyond them all as beyond a veil. You may think this all nonsense; it may be strange, but it is true, and the ancients knew what lifting the veil means. They called it seeing the god Pan. ~ Arthur Machen (The Great God Pan)
During the months that Neptune has been in its retrograde phase, we have been asked to connect with our own inner Neptune: Our ideals, our Dreams, our Hopes for a Better World. We were being asked to feed our psyche, to connect with our spiritual nature, to listen to our dreams, and cultivate the higher expressions of Neptune, such as compassion, altruism, and our own inner knowing. And now that Neptune is stationing, and ending its retrograde phase, we are being asked to take the essence of that inner knowing, and put it into application in our everyday lives.
It is true that distortions are inevitable when we try to translate our ideals on to the material plane. Neptune is not of this world. And as such instead of ideals and dreams, we reap nightmares, uncertainty and delusion. Neptune can drive us to madness with despair and disillusionment. But Neptune can also carry us aloft to the land of the faeries, as well as the Olympian towers of the gods. And when we center ourselves in our own inner Neptune, when we have the capacity to channel the gods through us, it can be a magical, beautiful and wistfully divine experience.
If Neptune were to desire anything for us, it would be to find deeper meaning and purpose, even in the mundane corners of our lives. Neptune aims to break down the barriers that distort our vision, and make it appear as if we are separate and divided from one another, so that we can see that we are part of something much greater than ourselves. Neptune in application is compassion in action, it inspires us to fulfill the behests of our soul and conscience. It identifies with some sort of service or cause that feels much larger than ourselves. And Neptune dares us to invest our lives with Wonder and Enchantment.
When we touch that Neptune part of our selves, it’s that feeling you get when you see the magnificence of a perfect sunrise, when you immerse yourself in the beauty and profundity of nature, or stop to wonder at the mysteries of the earth. Neptune is that experience you have when you do a good deed, say a kind word, or come to realize the ways that we are all so deeply connected to one another on these subtle but very real levels. This is the stuff of which magic is made of. And we need much more of that in our lives right now.
As Mars retreats into its retrograde phase, and we are still navigating our way through the challenges of Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, scattered and a bit overwhelmed, may we all seek to channel more Neptune in our lives:
Slow down and be present: Pay attention, See, Hear, Feel. Be present in the moment in order to fully appreciate its intrinsic value.
Don’t be afraid of your feelings. Be present with your emotions. Cry when you need to cry. Whether that be out of love, out of sadness, grief, happiness or joy. Just feel.
You can clear the space for more Neptune by: Releasing, Forgiveness, Shaking off tendrils of regret, anger, and sorrow; and Embracing unconditional and transcendent Love.
We connect with Neptune when: We perform acts of compassion and random acts of kindness. When we stop to listen, hold space for others, and are willing to be present.
You can feel your inner Neptune through: Inner reflection, Meditative repose, Prayer, Music, Dance, Spiritual practices and sacred magic.
And you can be guided through the mystic wisdom of Neptune when you: Journal, lay out the cards, read the tea leaves, dig out the pendulum and the Oracles.
Believe in miracles. They are all around us this week. And closer than you could possibly imagine.
For this week’s horoscopes (Mars and Neptune included), click below: