April 12th ~ 19th
“Spring Scattering Stars” by Edwin Blashfield
“Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice (she was so surprised that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English); “now I’m opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! Good-by feet!” ~ Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland)
On April 11th Mercury passed between the Earth and the Sun for its inferior conjunction. This is the birthday of Mercury, when it begins its next (almost) 4 month cycle. Just a few weeks earlier, Mercury was setting as an evening star, but shortly after its inferior conjunction, somewhere around the 20th of April, when it is far enough out of the Sun’s rays, it will then rise as a morning star.
Mercury repeats this cycle approximately every 116 days. The inferior conjunction is when Mercury appears to enter the heart of the Sun, and is the equivalent to Mercury entering its New Moon phase. During the retrograde phase of Mercury which began on April 1st and continues through April 25th, we often find ourselves reflecting on the past. We do so in order to process and assimilate all that had occurred up until this point. This in turn allows certain seeds of understanding to be sown within the potential of the inferior conjunction.
As a result of whatever thought seeds are being sown, the inferior conjunction sets the tone for the next Mercury cycle. Falling on the heels of the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, the Sun is passing the torch from the North Node Eclipse and its exact conjunction to Chiron. Mercury will then retrograde back to the Eclipse point, and perfect its conjunction to Chiron on Monday. And then on the 25th, Mercury will station direct while conjunct the True Node. Within this time frame we are internally processing the message being conveyed by the Solar Eclipse and our Pathfinder and Guide, Chiron.
Oftentimes we think that if we were to change other people, change our job, change our outside circumstances then everything will be okay. But the Solar Eclipse and Chiron in Aries are saying otherwise. In order for all of those other things to fall into place, we are first being advised to begin with ourselves and our own healing journey.
In some way we are being urged, nudged, and encouraged to realize our own true path. A path that promises healing and wholeness, and a much deeper Understanding, of our life’s purpose and journey. It may not necessarily be entirely what we thought it was. Therefore be open to alternatives, and be willing to see things from another point of view. For simultaneously, Jupiter and Uranus are going to perfect their conjunction on April 20th, which has been encouraging us, one way or another, to expand our perspectives, along with our minds.
Who knows? It’s only just out of reach, Down the block, on a beach, Under a tree. I got a feeling there’s a miracle due, Gonna come true, Coming to me. ~ Leonard Bernstein (West Side Story)
Approximately every 13 years we have a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. Similar to the recent Eclipses, Jupiter, when combined with Uranus, can create a hole in the fabric of our lives, that allows us to break away from our customary ways of seeing and/or doing things. Conjunctions are associated with new beginnings, and when you join Jupiter (the way we perceive the world, our truth, our understanding) with Uranus (stepping outside of our usual conventions, considering alternatives, trying something new) we open ourselves up to a whole new way of seeing the world and its possibilities. Perhaps even beyond our previous expectations.
Jupiter expands the potential of Uranus, it broadens its scope, and breaks down inhibitions, limitations and boundaries. Uranus by its very nature will not be contained, and so can appear to be explosive, sudden, surprising and almost always exciting and bewildering in nature. It can also appear to be contrary and reckless. Jupiter can expand the reckless nature of Uranus, but it can also, through its benevolent nature, encourage us to take risks and try new things, which in turn allow us to get out of ruts, embark on a new journey of discovery, and further realize our own potential.
In order to make the most of this conjunction we would all do well to be open and flexible, for there’s no telling what can emerge out of this wild card of a conjunction. Generally we are creatures of habit. We create nests of familiarity and comfort within our daily lives. As a result we don’t necessarily see or notice what is going on around us in our environment. However, at these critical conjunctions of Jupiter and Uranus we would most benefit by moving beyond our comfort zones, even if it is only in some small and safe Taurus like way. For even small changes can have a remarkable impact on our minds and our perceptions when Jupiter meets Uranus.
Doing things differently, learning a new skill, adding a new routine, engaging in activities that tweak our lives and our perspectives with small but meaningful improvements can have far-reaching consequences.
Jupiter/Uranus bring us the freedom to explore new avenues and new possibilities. To embark on a new project or begin a new adventure. These planets urge us to test our wings, and even dare us to branch out in a whole new direction. By challenging yourself to see things through a new and perhaps more progressive lens, you then allow all sorts of other changes to evolve. Depending on where this conjunction falls in your natal chart, and the points in your chart that are being pinged, as a result of what you learn, see, experience or realize, you will never quite see things the same way again.
What to pay attention to with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction:
Obstacles that had previously been standing in your way, suddenly and unexpectedly being removed
Limiting conceptions, conventions, fears and inhibitions that had been holding you back, being released
Seeing hope where previously you only saw challenges
Being all-consumed by fascination
Embarking on a whole new and exciting adventure or chapter of your life
Receiving an opportunity to expand your awareness, your consciousness, and the way you view the world.
Innovative ideas that help to free up your life in some way
Receiving an opportunity to do something that adds a new dimension to your life.
Opportunities to broaden your horizons and break down walls.
More to come on Jupiter/Uranus, the Full Moon, and whatever that thing is that’s happening with Saturn and Pluto, in next week’s blog!
Rather than dismissing ourselves as unchangeable creatures of habit, we can instead direct our own change by consciously developing new habits. In fact, the more new things we try ~ the more we step outside our comfort zone ~ the more inherently creative we become, both in the workplace and in our personal lives. ~ Janet Rae-Dupree
For this week’s horoscopes, click Horoscopes below: