May 24th ~ 31st
“Centaur Reading” by Odilon Redon
Words are the most powerful thing in the universe… Words are containers. They contain faith, or fear, and they produce after their kind. ~ Charles Capps
One of the things that the recent Jupiter/Neptune sextile was trying to show us was a profound understanding of those things that we truly value and bring immeasurable meaning to our lives. It seemed a fitting way to bring a culmination to the Jupiter in Taurus transit which began in May of 2023 and will now end with Jupiter’s ingress into the sign of Gemini on May 25th. As a result there was almost something transcendent about Jupiter being in the very last degree of Taurus. As we were reminded by the quote from speaker and author, David Jakielo: The most important thing in life is knowing the most important things in life. And may we carry that as a mantra over the next year that Jupiter will be in the sign of Gemini, a transit that can sometimes be riddled with utter distraction.
The first thing, however that we are made aware of as Jupiter enters the sign of communications this year, is the power, the glory, and the consequence of our Words and Ideas. With a trine between Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius, we can come to realize just how powerful words and language can be. The open trine between Jupiter and Pluto is advising us to evolve, reevaluate and reexamine things that we have previously taken for granted. With Jupiter in Gemini we will want to explore all of our options (hopefully not all at once) with an eye out for diversity.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus was asking us back in April to consider what our Big Vision for the Future might be. With Jupiter sextile Neptune we’ve been wistfully wondering about the next best thing, the next step, that will bring us ever closer to our dreams.
But Jupiter trine Pluto is telling us to think big, do big things, and aim high. Jupiter/Pluto is not for the meek at heart. It is ambitious. And with Jupiter now ensconced in Gemini, Jupiter trine Pluto is asking us to expand that vision even further, and to think in terms of what will vastly improve my life; while also perhaps improving the lives of others. Jupiter in Gemini is asking us to start locally, but to think globally and more universally. Jupiter trine Pluto is a transit that can literally move mountains and change perspectives, so what once seemed impossible is now made more achievable.
On the heels of the Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd, Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25th. So we may all ask: Will this be a year of Sharing vast stores of Information, a year filled with Options, Diversions and perhaps a few Distractions? What new journeys are we going to pursue? And in what ways are we being called?
Jupiter in Gemini
My task which I am trying to achieve is by the power of the written word, to make you hear, to make you feel ~ it is, before all, to make you see. That ~ and no more, and it is everything. ~ Joseph Conrad
On May 25th, Jupiter enters Gemini, where it will remain until June 2025. The last time Jupiter was in Gemini was from June 2012 thru June 2013. Pay attention to where your focus was that year, what you were trying to grow, what you were aspiring to achieve. This could give you some insight as to where your attention might be over the year ahead, and the areas of your life that you might want to further explore.
When Jupiter is in Gemini we want to know everything! Or at least enough so that we can feel informed, and able to have a conversation with almost anyone on any topic. When Jupiter is in Gemini inquiring minds want to know. Whether that be about the meaning of life, or what’s going on with the neighbors down the hall. We want to be informed.
When Jupiter is in Gemini we are more willing to see things from someone else’s perspective, and to be more open-minded. This can be a good thing in a world that often feels divided. Jupiter is expansive, and Gemini has domain over the senses and communications: we want to see more, hear more, read more, write more, share more, say more. Jupiter in Gemini is also the savvy juggler, the multitasker who can walk and chew gum at the same time, but is also the restless wanderer, ready for their next best adventure, wherever that will take them. It’s the journey itself, rather than the destination that counts. So think: the Orient Express; the Camino de Santiago; a photo safari in Africa; Cycling trips across France; the Appalachian Trail; Road trips to anywhere; anything that moves you along while gazing out a window on the world.
By nature, Jupiter is primarily beneficent, and aims to benefit the people and things of Gemini, including:
Teachers, Schools, Libraries, Librarians, Books and Education
Informational resources and means of communication… new fancier phones?
Jupiter could further expand, and/or try to free up Media, including Social Media. (Note: Jupiter will square Saturn (the regulator) from August to February which will show us the pros and consequences of an over-expanded or unregulated social media)
Transportation: new and better cars! Cars that talk and drive themselves? We already started that! But also things like: better commuter options and improving rail systems. Here in New York City congestion pricing will soon be taking effect in the busiest parts of downtown Manhattan. Very Jupiter in Gemini.
Gemini can also be concerned with local neighborhood initiatives and grass roots programs.
The potential issues:
Too much information! At times we could feel bombarded with the news; with the media; and messages coming at us from every direction. And with little ability to screen it all out.
Distraction: Because we see everything, we hear everything and we notice it all, it can make it very difficult to focus on what is right in front of us.
Having too many options, and seeing too many possibilities. The paths seem to incessantly divide up ahead and go in many different directions, making it difficult to choose.
Indecision: When everything looks so interesting, and there are so many directions to move in we could find ourselves changing our minds many times before we decide.
Multitasking is a Gemini skill, but which can also be exhausting if you are juggling too many balls in the air. The mind is really only capable of focusing on one thing at a time. If we can rein in and focus on just one thing, and do it well, we’ll be absolute geniuses.
Feeling overextended, over-taxed, over stimulated. We will all have to check in with ourselves periodically. Perhaps schedule in some down time in order to avoid getting over-stressed. Take breaks from the news and media. Turn down some of the noise and chatter. And perhaps remind ourselves once again, what we thought our own best life might look like.
Once I make up my mind, I’m full of indecision. ~ Oscar Levant
For where Jupiter in Gemini might have its greatest influence for your sign (or house placement, if you know it) check out this week’s horoscopes: