June 21st ~ 28th
The Full Pink (Strawberry) Moon
Befriend your confusion. Don’t be fooled by its chaotic appearance ~ confusion is a sign that your soul is in transition. Welcome it as a friend that has come from far away to bring you Home. ~ Jeff Brown
This year we will have two Capricorn Full Moons intersected by a New Moon in Cancer on July 5th. And so we are given more than one opportunity to make any necessary corrections this year. The first Full Moon is on June 21st at the very beginning of Cancer season. And then on the last day of the Sun being in Cancer, on July 21st, we have another Full Moon at 29º of Capricorn.
On June 21st, just one day after the Solstice we have a Full Moon at 1º Capricorn 07’. Full Moons can often be revelatory. But the one thing that the Capricorn Moons afford us, is the opportunity to look at our lives from an objective point of view. On the one hand we now have the Sun freshly ensconced in the sign of Cancer. This is a time of year in which we focus in on those things that nourish and feed our souls. And that can include all those people and things that gather round and nourish and feed us as well, whether they be family, or almost family or family-like.
And then on the other hand we have the Moon in Capricorn, which is a sign more concerned with fulfilling our potential in the outer world, and making our mark. At the Full Moon in Capricorn it can sometimes feel like one of these areas can be taking precedence over the other: work vs. home; outer obligations and responsibilities vs. the needs of family and community; that which feeds our soul, vs. that which feeds our ego and reputation. If these two areas of your life are balanced, you could receive confirmation for that at this time. But if one is outweighing the other, this could present as an opportunity to correct that.
The Full Moon is also square Neptune, which is approaching its retrograde station on July 2nd. The stations of Neptune are always preceded by a square to the Sun, which just so happens to coincide with this week’s Full Moon. Neptune can invest our lives with personal meaning and purpose. But only when and if we are most connected with our spiritual center. When we lose that connection to spirit, Neptune will become distorted in its expression, often confounding, confusing and muddying the waters. One way of discriminating between the two, is to take note: what are those things that are feeding my soul and bringing me a sense of meaning and purpose? and what are those things that are draining and polluting my life?
Cancer season is also when we are often filled with a sense of nostalgia, for the past, for family, for home. We yearn for connection, to return to what once was, and fill in the spaces. Memories along with their adjacent feelings come to the surface, and bonds are deepened with what we once knew so well. But at the Full Moon in Capricorn, we are given a brief, albeit illuminating, opportunity to look at these ties, memories and reminiscences in a more objective light. Capricorn is practical, goal oriented, and focused on growth. And with Mercury and Venus at the bending of the Nodes this week, it could feel like the past is coming home to inform the present in some way. We’re being shown the consequences of the decisions we have made in the past. And why.
And so many will also feel like they are standing at a crossroads, where, like Janus, we have one face pointed to the past, with all of its fading memories, ghosts and lingering feelings. While another face looks towards the future, and the potential it contains. And at this juncture, we are being asked to take note of those things, circumstances, individuals and habitual behaviors from the past are no longer serving the person we are becoming, but may in fact be draining or undermining our emotional and psychological well-being. Then also take note of who and what it is we do want to bring with us into the future, and that invests our lives with ever deeper meaning and fulfillment.
Therefore at the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st, take an objective look at your life:
What are those things that are leaving you exhausted at the end of the day? And what are those things that feed your soul and bring you a sense of purpose? And in what ways can you make these more of a priority going forward?
Oftentimes we say to ourselves, that we simply don’t have time to do the things we want to do, because of all the things we have to do. How might you be able to make more time for the things that really matter in the end?
In what ways can you establish greater balance between your personal needs, and your obligations to your work, your position or to others in the world at large?
In what ways can you apply what was important to you in the past, in a way that will give greater meaning and purpose to your future?
What are those things, circumstances and old habits that you have long outgrown? And in what ways do you wish to further grow and evolve in the future?
Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness. ~ Allen Ginsberg
For the Full Moon in your natal or Solar chart, click on the Horoscopes tab below: