In the Eye of the Storm

As we approach the Full Moon on October 31st, you can begin to feel the energy shifting and perhaps even accelerating. From unpredictable, to illuminating, to surprising, and unprecedented.. we are ready for something to change.

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The New Moon in Libra

We begin this week with a New Moon in Libra: an attempt to restore the balance and harmony in the world in the face of prevailing contention and old lingering resentments. So long as we remind ourselves what is at stake here, we can do this: Peace, Equality, Brotherhood, Fairness, Justice, Kindness and Harmony. We can do this.

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Mercury stations retrograde opposite Uranus

Mercury stations for its retrograde phase in the sign of Scorpio this week. This is perhaps a retrograde period like no other, rife with surprised, unexpected changes, and changing circumstances. Put on your life jackets everyone. There is no telling where this will take us.

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Pluto Direct square Mars

Mars/Saturn/Pluto can be ruthless and mean. It is also tremendously courageous. Channel it into something constructive and useful. Use it to take on a habit. Use it to confront your own fears. Use it to transform your environment, your life, your body your mind. Get rid of all that stuff you no longer need. Face off with that problem you’ve been avoiding. Do something hard. Fight for something good. Do something wonderfully transformative. And if you are going to be stirring up some trouble. Make it for a worthwhile cause.

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Saturn stations Direct square Mars

This week: 1) Mercury enters Scorpio this weekend, where it will remain for an extended period of time, thanks to its retrograde phase from October 13th thru November 3rd. 2) Saturn stations Direct on September (28th) 29th, the same day that it makes an exact square to retrograde Mars. 4) The week winds up with a Full Moon in Aries (the sign of Mars) which is closely conjunct Chiron. To find out more of what this all means, take a look at this week’s essay.

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Mabon, the Equinox, is the time of year in which we stand in the balance between Light and Dark. It is also the first day of Libra. Libra is a sign of peace and equanimity, and any and all positive energy sent out at this time will help to ameliorate any discordant energy that is being revved up this week.

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Jupiter stations Direct and a New Moon

In the midst of the combustible square between retrograde Mars and Saturn, we have a glimmer of hope. Jupiter stations direct this weekend, followed by a New Moon in earthy Virgo solidly trine Saturn.

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Mars Stations Retrograde September 9th

Mars stations retrograde on September 9th-10th at 28º of Aries, and will remain in its retrograde phase until November 14th. Throughout this time and extending until January, Mars will continue to square Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, activating the Saturn/Pluto and Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions from earlier this year. Read on to see what we can anticipate with this contentious weather.

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Centering in the Midst of Strife

The Full Moon on September 1st-2nd is in mystical and compassionate Pisces. It is exactly trine illuminating Uranus which is beckoning us to open our eyes. Open our eyes, because as the Full Moon falls at the midpoint of the Mars/Saturn square, we can more acutely feel, see, hear, sense the pain and misery of the world.

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So Strong

For the next 6 weeks, Mars will be sparring Saturn. Both planets are strong in their own signs. Hard to say which is stronger. Could be something of a standoff. But neither will give up. The push/pull of the Mars/Saturn square. Do you stay or do you go?

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