Pluto stations for its retrograde phase on May 1st. This is important for so many reasons. For one, planets are even stronger when they station. But this retrograde will also mean that Pluto will square the recent Solar Eclipse point several more times over the next few years. We are in a period of great transition between one phase and the next. Between an old era and a new one. But before we do so, we are needing to tend to some unfinished business first.
Read moreMercury Retrograde April 2023
Betwixt and Between the 2 Eclipses, we have the retrograde phase of Mercury. Mercury stations just before it meets excitable and innovative Uranus, and while sextile Mars. Mars/Uranus can bring all sorts of activity. Yet with Mercury retrograde in Taurus, what we are needing is some silent retreat. See if you can find your eye in the storm. For that is where you will find yourself.
Read moreThe Solar Eclipse April 19th/20th
On April 19th or 20th (depending on where you are in the world) there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the very last degree of Aries. This is a rare Hybrid Eclipse, meaning that in the areas where it is visible, some will see it as a Total Eclipse, while others will see it as an Annular Eclipse with its legendary ring of fire surrounding the Moon as it occults the Sun. This Eclipse can also represent a very important turning point in our lives, both individually and collectively.
Read moreAs we gear up for the Solar Eclipse on April 19-20th, one of the more prominent transits of the year, highlighted by the Eclipse, is Pluto square the Nodes of the Moon. Betwixt and between one phase and the next, Pluto is making the transition to Aquarius; and so are we.
Read moreThe Full Moon in Libra 2023
The Full Pink Moon, the Libra Full Moon falls on April 5th or 6th, depending on where you are in the world. This is a time of culmination, reward, and/or consequence. But most importantly it is a time to restore the balance. To read more about the Full Moon in Libra, click below.
Read morePluto in Aquarius (and Mars enters Cancer)
This week Mars finally (!) leaves Gemini and enters Cancer. Most Gemini’s thought he would never leave! And Pluto has now made its first ingress into Aquarius. To see some of what we might anticipate or expect from Pluto’s transit through Aquarius, click below. But also be sure to check out this week’s horoscopes for its transit through the house of your natal (or Solar) chart.
Read moreThe New Moon at the Aries Equinox and Pluto
What a powerful (super) New Moon we have at the Aries Equinox this year. At the first degree of the first sign of the zodiac, this Moon is in total alignment with the World Axis. It is also exactly sextile Pluto, which then enters Aquarius (for the first time) on March 23rd. To read more about the New Moon in Aries, and a bit about Pluto dipping its planetary toe in the sign of Aquarius next week, click below.
Read moreJupiter conjunct Chiron and the Ides of March
On the ides of March we have a rather confusing and confabulating last quarter Moon. This is the time of the month when we begin to tie up loose ends, release and let go. This last quarter moon on the 14th is also overlaid with all sorts of obfuscation and confusion. Also this week is the culmination of the Jupiter/Chiron conjunction in Aries. To read more about these, click below.
Read moreSaturn enters Pisces March 7th
This coming Tuesday, there is a Full Moon in Virgo. This is our Spring Cleaning Moon that sweeps out the remnants of the year that was. But it is the ingress of Saturn into Pisces on the same day as this month’s Full Moon that is the big astrological news of the week. The last 3 times that Saturn was in Pisces were in 1935-37; 1964-67; and 1993-96. To learn more about the transit of Saturn in Pisces, click below.
Read moreSaturn enters the Anaretic Degree of Aquarius
Saturn has been in the sign of Aquarius since March of 2020, and is about to leave Aquarius for the sign of Pisces on March 7th. From the 26th of February thru March 7th, Saturn will be at the the very last (29th) degree of Aquarius, referred to by astrologers as the ‘anaretic’ degree of the sign. It is at this last degree of the sign that we find ourselves tying up the loose ends of the previous cycle in preparation for the one to follow.
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