The Nodes of the Moon are changing signs, moving to the Aries/Libra axis. Not actual bodies, these are the places where the Sun, Moon and the Earth will be in perfect alignment, allowing for the Eclipses to take place. There is something magical about the Nodes of the Moon, where the world of Matter (the Earth), our Soul’s evolutionary journey (the Moon), and Spirit (the Sun) are all brought together. As a result the signs that the Nodes are traveling through can tell us a story about the evolutionary progress of humankind.
Read moreA Full Moon and the station of Neptune in Pisces
On Friday, Neptune will appear to station for its retrograde phase which lasts through December 6th. To make the most of it we are asked to slow down, and turn within. Kind of hard to do when it coincides with a magnificent Full Moon, such as we are having on July 3rd, beckoning us out into the world. Perhaps we can do a bit of both.
Read moreWorking with the Retrograde phase of Saturn
Sometimes with the stations of the planets, events in real life mimic the symbolism of the planet and sign involved. This was the case with the missing submersible that captivated our attention for the days following the station of Saturn. Descending into the deep waters of the Atlantic coast, the submersible lost contact and disappeared. Saturn stationed in Pisces, the diluvian sign of the watery depths, the unknowable, and the invisible. We have since learned that the submersible imploded. But it was the unknowableness of it all, that captivated our fears and our imaginations.
Read moreThe New Moon in Gemini is supposed to be a New Beginning for all things Gemini. But with this New Moon we could feel like we are swimming against the tide with all things Gemini. With Saturn’s station retrograde in Pisces on the same day and the New Moon closely square Neptune, it’s all we can do to sort things out, never mind get anything started. We are trying to get our footing while standing on shifting ground.
Read morePluto returns to Capricorn
Pluto returns to Capricorn on June 11th. There may be some unfinished business that we need to take care of there. Perhaps we are needing some reminders of what was still left undone. Some lessons we still have not yet learned.
Read moreThe Sagittarius Full Moon 2023
The Full Strawberry Moon on June 3rd is our Sagittarius Moon. Raucous, abundant, and filled with activity, the Full Moon can distract, inspire and bring our lives into full view. To read more about this particular Full Moon, the Mercury/Uranus conjunction and Venus entering Leo, click below.
Read moreJupiter conjunct North Node in Taurus 2023
As part of the fixed Grand Cross, Jupiter is conjunct the North Node this month and next. While Jupiter is expansive, the North Node aims to bring us in alignment with our life path. However, Jupiter’s expansive nature makes all things grow. Even the things we don’t want to. As an example, the last time Jupiter was conjunct the North Node was in May 1929. The stock market was exploding, and everyone was taking a ride, investing all they had. And then in October, Jupiter stationed retrograde and the stock market tanked. It is possible to have too much Jupiter.
Read moreThe New Moon in Taurus (and a Grand Cross)
We’re all being asked to pay attention to our foremost priorities this week, focusing in especially on those things that we value the most. The New Moon in Taurus on Friday falls right in the midst of a fixed Grand Cross all tied up with the Nodes of the Moon. Karma comes to call. And the choices we make now are bound to have far-reaching consequences.
Read moreJupiter enters Taurus (True Priorities)
Very interesting week coming up. Especially when you consider that Mercury is stationing direct, and it is almost (but not quite) conjunct the North Node. And that Jupiter is entering Taurus right after where it will cross that same degree where Mercury stationed. And that there is an Eclipse at that same degree later this year. And that Jupiter will station direct, once again, at that same degree. To find out what this all means (and the Jupiter/Pluto square!) click below.
Read moreLunar Eclipse in Scorpio: May 5th
This is not a dramatic blood red moon eclipse, as this is a Penumbral Eclipse, in which the Moon merely dips into the outer edges of the Earth’s shadow (umbra). But it is still an eclipse. Surprising. Unpredictable. Revealing. Perhaps a little dreadful. Be prepared for some interesting turns as we move through the last of the Scorpio eclipses.
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