This week we celebrate and welcome in a Super New Moon in Pisces. Super Moons occur when the Moon is close to the earth in its orbit. Although we cannot see the New Moon, they may not as spectacular as the Super Full Moons, they can still be pretty spectacular in their effect. All the more so if you have natal placements around 17-23º of Pisces or were born on or around March 10th. And for all of us, we may ask: what needs to be improved, released, or reimagined, in order for you to live your own best life?
Read moreJupiter semi-square Neptune
We have now reached the first juncture of the 13-year Jupiter/Neptune cycle which began in 2022. It is at the semi-square of Jupiter and Neptune that our ideals are being tested for stamina: can they make the cut? What adjustments might we want to make? And what can we tweak now in order to live a more meaningful life and lifestyle?
Read moreThe Virgo (Spring Cleaning) Full Moon
The Full Moon on February 24th (or 23rd) at 5º Virgo 23’ is our Spring Cleaning Full Moon here in the northern hemisphere. It is also a time of celebration in the East, where the Spring Festival in China is the culmination of the Lunar New Year celebrations. Lanterns are lit, and fireworks light up the skies. It is also a day to do a thorough Spring cleaning, sweeping out the remnants of the year that was, in preparation for the year to come.
Read moreChiron conjunct the North Node (and our Healing Journey)
Venus enters Aquarius this Friday, falling into the laps of Pluto and Mars in the process. Expect the intensity to rise as she does so. This is passionate and compelling weather. Meanwhile, Chiron makes an exact conjunction to the True Node of the Moon. This is important, for whatever is taking place in the weeks preceding and after this conjunction is helping to set the stage for the Solar Eclipse on April 8th.
Read moreThe New Moon in Aquarius 2024
We welcome in the Chinese New Year with year of the Wood Dragon, and the Aquarius New Moon. Reckless, powerful, changeable, and perhaps even a little rebellious. What passions are you wanting to make manifest? How might you be the change that you would like to see in the world?
Read moreMercury conjunct Pluto ~ Illumination
This week is in preparation for the Super New Moon on February 9th. You might already feel the impatience and the restlessness arising. This is because the New Moon next week could give us something of a glimpse into April’s Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. In the mean time Mercury enters Aquarius and joins Pluto in the first degree. Be prepared to be illuminated.
Read moreUranus stations Direct - An Awakening
For the past 5 months that Uranus has been in its retrograde phase we were acclimating ourselves to a new order. Either we were adjusting to changes that were occurring, or we were preparing ourselves for the changes that we knew were well nigh due, and would be facing in 2024. But in some way our lives have been evolving and preparing, and situating us in such a way that we would be ready for whatever new reality will be emerging this year.
Read morePluto enters Aquarius
After making an exact conjunction to Pluto in the last degree, the very last minute of Capricorn, the Sun then escorts Pluto into the sign of Aquarius. Except for a few brief months later this year, Pluto will remain in Aquarius for the next 20 years. A new era is dawning.
Read moreThe Jupiter/Saturn Road Map 2024
Pluto is in the very last degree and minute of Capricorn this week, as it is being positioned to make its grand entrance into Aquarius on the 20th. In the mean time, the Jupiter/Saturn sextile is receiving a lot of assistance from strategic and practical planets transiting Capricorn, to lay the foundation for some sort of road map for the future. Clarity returns to allow us to do so.
Read moreStraddling Time: The New Moon in Capricorn 2024
There is still an air of uncertainty hanging over the proceedings as we begin this week. Mercury makes the last of its squares to unfathomable Neptune on Monday. But be prepared for when the fog lifts and greater clarity resumes with the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th. Get out your planners. With the New Moon in Capricorn, we’ll finally be able to plot our course.
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