For the week of January 18th thru the 25th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
So many changes this coming year! But Aries is never one to back down from a challenge. In fact the mere thought of change can be down-right motivating for an Aries who rarely allows the grass to grow beneath their feet before they are on to the next challenge. Just pace yourself this week lest you over-reach. You will be motivated by a certain amount of righteous enthusiasm, which looks really good on you. But it will soon become apparent what your limits are. Focus on the areas where you know you can make a difference, and accept the things that you can’t really do anything about right now. Trying to force things (or people, or yourself) beyond their limits, or before their time, are only going to create more problems in the long run. Just recognize that there is only so much you can do in some situations. There are times when you need a little radical independence, and the Lunar Eclipse is helping to position you in such a way to make that more possible.
You can almost, just almost feel that train pulling into the station. It is not quite here yet, but this Lunar Eclipse is like something of a clarion call for the changes that are going to be unfolding over the next several years. The more you resist these changes, and cling to the way things used to be, the more difficult this period will be. The more willing you are to go with the flow, and step outside of your comfort zone, even just a bit, the easier it will be. This is an important Eclipse for Taurus, especially those Taureans born in the very early 1st degrees of the sign, which are ripe for inevitable change and transformation. This Moon is also about finding your joy. And as your ruling planet dances to the tune of expansive and optimistic Jupiter this week, you are being asked to reach for the stars. Move through doubt, and any lingering disappointment, and embrace the person you are becoming, while still honoring the rich history of your past that will continue to invest all that you do.
We are told that more than 500,000 pieces of space junk are presently orbiting around in the vicinity of our planet. Some of this is natural debris, such as small meteorites orbiting the Sun. But an awful lot of this is man-made and orbiting the Earth. This is a lot like our own minds and psyche. Over the next several years part of your mission will be to clear out a lot of that space junk in our mind, in order to be able to connect with your truest, most authentic, self. That begins by releasing what you are not. This Lunar Eclipse can bring a certain awareness or insight into those things, or perhaps even ideas about yourself, that are no longer helpful or relevant. We are all in the process of becoming. And this is certainly true of Gemini. Be aware of what potential changes you might want to make, in order to bring your life and your perspective, more in alignment with that true self. It’s good to be flexible in general this week, as there may be a change in plans that had not been anticipated. Insights and and revelations can be something of a game changer.
Cancer, the Moon sign, is always sensitive to Eclipses. There is powerful magic in these seasons honoring the Lunar gods and goddesses. You may ask yourself how and where you may have diverged from your true hopes and wishes, and what you need to do to get on course. What changes are you, or are you not willing to make in order to make a cherished dream a closer reality? What can you do to bring your aspirations hopes and wishes more in alignment with your true purpose? By networking and making newer more enlightened connections, you could position yourself to achieve goals you previously might have thought impossible. Hold on to those things that are worth your time, energy and resources; and let go of those that are no longer serving you. It’s about priorities, and remembering that you too, deserve to be happy.
Just before the glorious Sun enters Aquarius and then the Total Solar Eclipse, it will first square the planet Uranus. There is an implication here that in order to find your place in the world, in order to find your joy, there may be a few necessary adjustments. Perhaps in reaction to any limitations being imposed on you, this rush of Uranian weather brings a strong desire to follow one’s own path. This means celebrating not only what is unique and different about yourself, but also seeing how important that is in the grander scheme of things. This is a powerful Eclipse that falls in the very first degree of your sign, therefore those Leo’s who are born in the first few days of Leo, or who have the first 5º of Leo Rising will be particularly sensitive to this Eclipse. Truths are unveiled and awareness arises that can reshape your perspective and alter relationships, as well as your destiny. The less resistant you are to any necessary changes, the easier will be the outcomes. Something interesting this way comes.
The period between the eclipses can be positively draining. But as we approach the Lunar Eclipse the end of this weekend, it also brings a feeling of enlightened hope for change and resolution. Even small changes in perspective can bring about remarkable results, and part of that is simply recognizing that you don’t have to keep doing things the same way you have in the past. That there are alternatives that can vastly free up your possibilities, improve your health and well-being. Human beings tend to be creatures of habit. However, when you change up your routines, or altar your habitual ways of doing things, you begin to look at your life and your potential differently. Even small changes can have remarkable ramifications, bringing inspiration, creative ideas and insight. Go with the flow. Like a river, or like swimming with the tide, for it is bringing you where you need to go.
Things could feel a little unreal this week, and yet you are being asked to make decisions without knowing the full outcome of events. One thing that becomes apparent is that nothing stays the same, and time waits for no one. Even when it feels a little off-kilter it is still merely progressing. Impermanence and change are perhaps the only things that we can definitely count on. Some changes are easier to take than others, but for some strange reason you remain optimistic, knowing that change also means the possibility that things can also improve. One thing that can carry us through these times of uncertainty and perhaps even doubt, is hope, and a really good sense of humor. What could come to light through the Lunar Eclipse, are the ways and means that your life is due for some sort of radical change. Over the next several years, it could indeed feel as if you are being launched into a whole new phase of your life. One door may be closing, but another is opening. Stepping through will make all the difference.
Scorpio, much like Taurus, is due for some sort of radical change in the foreseeable future. But for Scorpio it may come about through your relationships and their impact on your sense of self, and personal identity. This will be a gradual process, but the catalyst for these changes can already be imminent. And Eclipses can be unpredictable, changing the narrative, and even having an impact on certain goals for the future. In the mean time use your time and energy well. There are reasons to be enthusiastic. And motivated by a strong sense of righteousness you will be moved to take on worthwhile goals. That is commendable. Just make sure that you honor your limitations, and know when you need to stop. Mars is about to square uncompromising and immovable Saturn which can literally stop you in your tracks. Knowing when to go, and when to pull back is key this week.
There is much to sing about when both of the ‘benefics’ are dancing about in your sign. Venus and Jupiter are converging this week, and only good things can come from these two, which is the epitome of love, hope and the aspiration for all good things to be fulfilled. If you are up early on the 22nd, just before dawn, you might even see these two bright lights shining in the southeastern sky. Love and congeniality win the day when Venus meets Jupiter: gifts, celebrations, confidence, feeling really positive about life. But this also activates the Jupiter/Neptune square we spoke of last week, so it is also easy to get distracted, or to go off on a tangent, to get lost, or just want to escape the doldrums of your life. This is great if you are on vacation. Not necessarily helpful if you want to get a lot of things done. This is one of those weeks when you are quite content to put up your feet, brew yourself a pot of tea, and get lost in a really good book or movie. Either that, or put on your dancing shoes and kick up your feet. Either way, Sagittarius is all about savoring life in their own inimitable way this week.
This week brings a combination of frustrating circumstances and surprising outcomes. Frustrating circumstances because desired actions appear to be thwarted by situations and obstacles that appear to be insurmountable. Situations are fraught with delays. The tendency could be to blame yourself. However, this added self-doubt will only further hinder you, preventing you from asserting yourself in an effective way. Focus on the things that you do have control over, while being mindful of what your limitations are, and honoring those. It may take a little longer to get where you want to go, but sometimes the journey itself is even more important than the actual destination. It might also be wise to pace yourself this week, because there’s no telling what will come out of the woodwork with the current Lunar Eclipse. You get the feeling with this one that change is imminent, and there is nothing to be done by trying to control the outcomes. Pay attention to what is being revealed, for it could end up changing your plans.
No sooner do we enter Aquarius season this year, then we are met with this amazing Lunar Eclipse, which also happens to be a Super Moon, meaning it will appear to be larger than usual. Early Aquarians, those born in the first few days of Aquarius or the first 5º of the sign, will be most sensitive to this eclipse, which is a sure fire harbinger of change, rebellion and a push towards creative and revolutionary ideas. One thing that the eclipse brings is a shift in awareness or a change in circumstances that will allow you to see things in a different light. In this way, Lunar Eclipses can be life-altering, if only by shifting your perspective. Eclipses can also sometimes precipitate unwanted chaos. Be aware that even delays will be rife with frustration and changes in plans. So pace yourself, and wear a seat belt at all times. There’s no telling into which stratosphere this Eclipse will launch you.
There are periods in our lives that feel like something of a time warp, where either things seem to be moving unusually quickly, or just the opposite. One thing that becomes apparent though is that time moves as it will, and there is no stopping it. We’re the ones who lose track of it. To make the most of your time this week, see if you can practice being in the moment, seeing each of these moments as something precious and to be savored. Release the should haves, or the could haves. Don’t worry about what you have to do in the future, recognizing that the present moment is the most important moment you have. In those moments experiences can become larger than life, allowing you to see more, feel more and be more. Many things can come to light with Lunar Eclipses, which can change the narrative and the picture. If having to make a decision, hold firmly to the truth, and don’t allow yourself to be swayed by your feelings. Just because you want something to be true, may not necessarily make it so.