For the week of January 25th thru February 1st, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
With your ruling planet all fired up and ready to go in your own sign, it would seem that you should have energy to spare. But there seem to be extenuating circumstances which have been curbing your energy and your enthusiasm. This could be an actual physical limitation, such as an injury, sheer exhaustion; or some other obstacle standing in your way. Nonetheless, with Mars in all-engines-ready-to-go Aries this could be quite frustrating. It’s like winning a brand new Ferrari, with nowhere to go. Some how I suspect that this is not going to keep you from trying. Especially early on in the week when a fiery and righteous trine brings you the courage of your convictions. Just avoid over-doing it, or you will later regret it. Once you leap over that initial hurdle? There are more obstacles just behind it. And I also suspect that those obstacles and boundaries are probably there for a reason.
Taurus hearts and souls grew a few sizes this past week, as Venus traipsed through the expansive and rapturous bounds of Jupiter. Soon she will be dared to take that rapturous glory yet another step, to places yet uncharted and unexplored. In the mean time you are being left to live off the high of this previous week, chortling in the joy of having your heart strings tugged just enough. It’s these brief sojourns with joy that remind you once again that you still do have some dreams and hopes to be fulfilled. When Venus is in Sagittarius as it is now, we tend to exaggerate the qualities of the people and things we admire, desire or want. There is no harm in following your bliss and dreaming big, provided you remember to keep your earthy Taurus feet firmly planted on the ground.
Your ruling planet Mercury is just whizzing through the galaxy right now, all the more so now that he is energized by Aquarius. All sorts of ideas are going to be launched with Mercury here. All the more so this week with the superior conjunction of Mercury, which just seems to bring so many things into relief. This is the sort of weather in which brilliant and ingenious ideas just seem to spontaneously pop into your head. These are likely welcome visitors, allowing you to gain a better and clearer perspective on things. This is because Mercury thrives in Aquarius, a sign that is similar in nature to Gemini. This is what helps to cultivate this ease of insight and innovation. Dare to be a little adventurous, and step outside of your usual ways of doing things. It will allow your mind to expand in positive ways. A big vision is going to be emerging next week. Be willing to entertain its profound possibilities.
We’ve made it through eclipse season, hopefully unscathed. The thing is with eclipses especially Lunar Eclipses is that they bring all these emotions and feelings to the surface. These can be difficult to ignore. The next step is to process all those feelings and try to make sense of them. This is one of the goals of Cancer this week: to be able to objectively sift through emotions, or have someone else do it for you, in order to not become consumed by them. This week the superior conjunction of Mercury helps to facilitate clarity and objectivity. It can also bring some perspective about what has brought you to this place right now and where you might want to go from here. This objectivity will help you to navigate even the most daunting of challenges, and bear with even the most difficult of people. If you must. There is a rhyme and reason for any challenges emerging right now, no matter how difficult they may appear.
This week offers us all the opportunity to gain greater clarity and perspective. You can see how all the pieces are fitting together in your life. One way that can happen is through others: a conversation you have; some sort of interaction which is revealing. That clarity can be really helpful right now. Especially as the energy has been seriously blocked lately. But a fiery trine can help to clear out some of these blocked channels, and get things moving again. There may be some other things that need clearing up as well, such as old debts, obligations or contracts that are no longer valid. Or even worse, may be limiting your own unique voice and self-expression.
Now that your ruling planet Mercury is in Aquarius, you can get your gears back in drive. Mercury is now at its maximum speed, and in Aquarius, the ideas will just be popping into your mind like so many welcome visitors. The superior conjunction of Mercury is its full-moon phase, when you are more likely to see things more objectively and with greater clarity. Not only are you able to see how you ended up where you are, but you can now also see what is the best course of action to get you to where you need to be going forward. A willingness to try something new, or look at things from another perspective could be down right illuminating. If relationships have been a bit wary or confusing lately; 2019 presents an opportunity to begin to sort these out in good faith: shoring up those that matter and resetting boundaries where they have gone awry. In this weather some truly meaningful bonds can be further strengthened.
Sometimes in the most mundane of environments (the grocery store, the yoga class, the library) your heart and mind can be turned in such a way that you will never see that venue quite the same way again. There can also be a tendency to exaggerate the qualities of a person, place or an experience, way out of proportion to what it actually is, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that sometimes great things can arise in the least expected places. Out of these small seeds, even greater possibilities can emerge. And there is certainly no harm in joy, provided you can discriminate between what you wish to be so, and what is actually true. You can still dream, can’t you? Look for practical and realistic ways to address any lingering problems that may have been neglected. It could take a bit of work, and maybe a little sacrifice, but it will be worth it in the long run.
Back in the day, athletes, dancers, competitors, used to choose to work through their pain. Whether that meant ignoring slight injuries; or pushing just beyond the wall of their limitations; through sheer will and determination people would force themselves to ignore the warnings. Don’t. Pain is there for a reason. Honor the limitations in your life as guideposts for what is possible and what may in fact be a genuine warning. There is a brief respite early on this week that will have you courageously and successfully leaping over all sorts of limitations. Just be sure to rein yourself back in afterwards. The thing is with Scorpio is that in your determination to see something through to completion, you just won’t want to stop till it’s done. All the more reason to pay attention to the stop signs along the way. You just don’t want to force anyone or anything beyond its endurance. It’s bound to bite back.
You should still be coasting off the high of the recent Venus/Jupiter transit in your sign. Within the potential of that conjunction even greater things are possible. The seeds of those encounters are fertile with possibility and growth. Allow your enthusiasm to guide you forward. This is a good week to put plans into action, and help you fulfill any promises that you have made to yourself. There is a lot of momentum here, and you might just want to channel some of this positive energy in a constructive way, while you can. If nothing else, so much more can be achieved this week just by sheer confidence. So go for it. This will also give you the momentum to focus on any long term goals that you have set for yourself. No matter how daunting they may seem, knowing that the end result is going to bring you closer to your dreams will make all the effort and hard work worth it.
The past week and the coming few weeks could feel rife with obstacles, delays and challenges to be overcome. This could lead you to just give up, but that would be a shame. One of the admirable traits of Capricorn is your indomitable persistence, even in the face of tremendous odds and challenges. Once you have a clear aim, you rarely give up. Part of that comes from recognizing, but also respecting, what your limitations are, and then working within those guidelines. This is because you are also very good at discriminating between what is possible and what is unrealistic. However, this week, with the perfection of the Saturn/Neptune sextile, something that you may have previously thought impossible, might just be achievable after all. See what you can do to make a cherished dream or ideal a closer reality.
The superior conjunction of Mercury takes place this week in your sign. This is like something of a Full-moon phase for Mercury when we are allowed to see the ramifications of decisions and events that have brought you to where you are now; as well as the clarity to understand where you might want to go from here. This clarity will help to guide you through any challenges you are currently facing. It seems that many an Aquarius is needing to face some severe challenges, solving some old lingering problems once and for all. These can no longer be ignored. However, there is a silver lining here. After you do the hard work, there is a long term possibility for some sort of resolution. As a result of facing these demons, and putting them to rest, you could even make a cherished hope a closer possibility. May all your efforts bear positive fruit in the end.
This week is just ripe with possibility, energy and enthusiasm. See if you can channel some of that raw energy and enthusiasm into positive and constructive channels. If only you can bottle it for the future as well. It can serve as something of a momentum and inspiration for getting things off the ground and starting initiatives that have a lot of potential. And then there is all of that background stuff as well. There is also a long term trend that is beginning to take hold. Once you come to realize that certain dreams might actually have the possibility of being realized, the incentive to make what ever sacrifices or put in the hard work, was just made that easier. This is a week that is all about achieving goals, and what that looks like for you, both in the short term and in the long term.