Horoscopes: February 15th thru 22nd
For the week of February 15th thru the 22nd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Now that Mars is in Taurus you are being asked to follow through on any initiatives recently begun. There’s no turning back once Mars enters this steadfast and determined sign. There’s only moving forward from here on in. The key to Mars in Taurus, is finding a way to make those initiatives affordable and sustainable. But perhaps the big news of the week is Chiron entering Aries, where it will remain for the next 7 years. For you, this means embarking on a whole new journey which will require a lot of energy and courage. It won’t be easy. Chiron tests us. And the urge is to throw everything over and start all over again. And there are likely going to be new starts here, but without really knowing what the full ramifications are going to be. Chances are you’ve already started the ball rolling. Now it’s just a matter of committing to it. The rest will unfold as it will. Through Chiron you will be gaining wisdom about your own journey of self-exploration, while honoring and accepting your limitations for what they are, as being part of the human experience.
Now that Mars has entered your sign, the inclination could be to go full speed ahead. However you will probably meet with resistance if you do. Take things slowly and deliberately. And pay attention to your environment. There may be a lot more happening than you had previously realized. Your world is going to be changing in remarkable ways, and what you learn now, and who you consequently network with, could prove to be instrumental in paving the way for just those sorts of changes. It almost feels like the universe is conspiring to draw those people to you, with whom you share a specific destiny. Use the upcoming Full Moon on the 19th. Create a vision board. This Moon is filled with creative ideas and potential. Group meditations, spiritual teachings, or mind/body practices could also prove to be quite beneficial.
The first of 3 Mercury/Neptune conjunctions occurs this week. This can lead to feelings of despondency, disenchantment, and difficulty concentrating. However, this particular week could also bring practical solutions to your problems. Look for realistic ways or practical steps that will allow you to make a dream or an ideal a closer reality. It may seem like a pipe dream right now, but if you are willing to separate the fantasy from the reality, you just might be able to reach some sort of compromise that works! Don’t be discouraged. We are all being asked to slow down to some extent. Sometimes you need to create a little silence in order to appreciate the important things in life. That being said, if you wish to make any sort of progress this week, best to do so early on, or you may find yourself swamped later on in the week. Not in a bad way. Just over-committed or over-extended. So make it a point to pace yourself as needed.
Full Moons are times of fruition and activity, and the Full Moon on Monday, will be no exception. It takes place immediately after we enter Pisces season, so there is already a bit of a shift in the air. Go with the flow of wanting to expand your horizons, whether that means exploring ideas, discovering a new world, or bending your mind. Allow yourself to be open to new possibilities. There is a whole world waiting out there to be discovered, and there’s no telling where it will bring you, or who you will meet in the process. This is the sort of week in which the people who are meant for one another just naturally seem to cross paths. Now that Chiron is moving into Aries, see how you can use your personal life experiences to connect with others. For the past 7 years, you have come to realize something about how important it is to follow your own path. Now that Chiron is in Aries, recognize that success almost depends on embracing that path, even if it has been raising a few eyebrows in the process.
There is something that is emerging here, about awakening to, and realizing your path. Up until now, you may not have fully appreciated what that is. There are many talents that you’ve been dallying with and unearthing from the hidden lairs of your subconscious. In the foreseeable future you are going to have the opportunity to use these skills. Chiron entering Aries is trying to lead you to fulfill your destiny. This may mean having to follow a more unique path of your own choosing. You may not even know what that looks like yet, but through a series of fortuitous events, you may yet discover just what that will be. Meanwhile, for the next several weeks, you will be entering something of a reclusive period prone to deep periods of introspection. Through that process you could even come to discover that sense of purpose that will be your shining light. Seek meaning, purpose and connection, and it will bring you where you need to be.
The first of 3 Mercury/Neptune conjunctions occurs this coming week, but it might be so gentle you might not even be perturbed. In fact it could work out in your favor! It’s kind of like a lazy daydream, hoping against hope that you will make all the appropriate connections, and that people will prove to be reliable enough, in order to follow through on any creative projects that have been brewing. This is one of those weeks that collaboration on a project is likely to work well. There is also the opportunity here to let people know exactly what they mean to you. Having a heart to heart can help to clear the air, and also clarify where you stand with others. It will probably be easier to get things done earlier in the week rather than later, when you could feel over-extended and overly busy. Try to organize your week as well as possible, recognizing that there are bound to be increased demands on time and energy after Wednesday.
There is not much to be done about the past, and the future will be what it will. However, learning from the past can serve you well over the weeks ahead. Think along lines of work ethic, determination, integrity and the willingness to show up when needed. For these will serve you well over the next few weeks. Even if things appear to be unraveling, it’s nothing that you cannot handle. People just may be needing a little extra support and guidance. Health may also be significant over the next several weeks. In addition to conventional methods, also pay attention to things like diet, routines, and the whole mind/body balance. Balance and moderation are always key for health and well being for Libra. But since Neptune has been traveling in Pisces these past 8 years, you might have noticed certain underlying hard to diagnose sensitivities, that need paying attention to. But perhaps the big news of the week, is Chiron entering Aries, which will present an interesting and unique change involving relationships going forward. Think about what it means to be setting appropriate limits and boundaries with others. Sometimes you just need to be able to say No.
There is always this quandary with Scorpio, as to when to persist, and when to pull back in relationships. You don’t want to appear too aloof or uninterested, but you don’t want to overwhelm others either. The key is to search for some sort of middle ground. Scorpio is generally not very good at that, but with Mars in Taurus you may get some practice over the ensuing weeks ahead. Your initial instinct with Mars in Taurus is actually to charge right in. That is Mars energy. However, Taurus is a sign of peace, understanding and loving kindness. The desire is really for connections. So there’s something to be said for taking a slow and cautious approach, even in times of difficulty, when Mars is in this sign. And as for the Full Moon on the 19th, it is just filled with all sorts of creative insights and ideas. See if you can sit in the light of this Moon, and allow some of that creative enlightenment to just soak in.
The tendency this week could be to be a little negative or perhaps a bit naive. Rather than succumbing to that sort of thinking, or allowing others to impose that negative mind set on you, look for positive, and practical solutions. And keep your feet grounded in priorities. Despite the general ambiguity pervading the week, it is also possible to make a cherished dream or ideal, a closer reality. So get out your calendar, and begin to plan ahead. Something interesting could be established by the end of this year. This week, if you wish to get things done and organized, you might want to plan on doing so earlier in the week, as things could get a little hectic later on. Due to a square between Mercury in Pisces and Jupiter, we could all be feeling a little overwhelmed after Wednesday. Therefore be mindful of not taking on any more commitments than you can handle. There will probably be plenty already on your plate as it is.
Pacing yourself, taking your time and being as organized as possible, is key for this week. There is something to be said for showing up, being on time and setting the example for others. There will be plenty of distractions, so this is going to have to come all from you. Setting limits, either with others, or with yourself may need to be applied. Pay attention to where you can exercise greater wisdom and self-control. It may mean that certain sacrifices are needing to be made in order to fulfill your hopes and dreams. But keeping the long term vision in mind, will make all the difference. Keep asking yourself, how can I make my goals and dreams a closer reality? What am I or am I not willing to sacrifice in order to make that so? And when distractions threaten to sneak in, take control. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by frivolous concerns. You have goals to achieve.
There is an illuminating Full Moon this week in the very first degree of Virgo. Illuminating because it is showing you where and how your life will be shifting in the foreseeable future. Probably the most dramatic change for Aquarius will be with Uranus moving into Taurus in March. But even this week, as Chiron moves into Aries, you will notice the sea change. For one thing Chiron in Aries is about recognizing where you have allowed certain boundaries to erode, and where you need to establish better limits. With this shift we are all being asked to release self-limiting boundaries, agreements, and habits that are no longer valid for the person you are now. At some point you are going to be asked to have the courage to make decisions about the future. Think in terms of aligning yourself with your own true path. In some way many an Aquarius is being asked to let go the bow lines and allow yourself to leave the safety of the shore. These shifts in the outer planets are symbolic of taking that first step out into the rest of your life.
Pisces is a sign of vast potential, however it also has depths that can feel overwhelming at times. You can almost drown in those depths, if it were not for recognizing that there are others out there who will throw you a life line when needed. Pragmatic and practical Saturn will save the day this week, by helping you to be able to discriminate between what is merely in your imagination, and what is probable and realistic. But if things do feel overwhelming as we enter Pisces season at the Full Moon in Virgo, you might want to reach out. A flow between the mind and heart will allow you to speak heart to heart, and words will seem to come that much more easily. This is a good week therefore to connect with others, and let them know how you feel about them. If you want to get things done, aim to do so early in the week, as things could get a bit scattered after Wednesday. Avoid over-extending or over-doing things after that time. It will only make you feel unduly scattered and nervous.