For the week of February 22nd thru March 1st be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
The Sun is shining a light on the planet Mars this week. But it seems to be doing so from behind the scenes, in a way that is requiring a certain amount of stealth, and yet deeply focused determination. You have goals to achieve, and it is unlikely that you will allow anything to stand in the way, even if no one really knows what you are doing. You are fine, provided everyone allows you to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, and as much as you want to do it. Any initiatives begun in the previous few months are asking you to follow through and commit right now. And you are about to reap some of the rewards of those commitments by about mid-week. Keep your focus on the prize. The sextile between Sun and Mars will bring you the courage, the energy and the inspiration to follow through.
Lately it may have felt as if you were being besieged by a plague of conflicting emotions, trying to navigate between keeping it cool, and daring to dive into the deep end. There could even be a compelling urgent quality to the feelings you are experiencing, which are pulling you in a certain direction like a magnet. Trust your intuition. If it feels a little too dangerous, run the other way. However, sometimes you have to be willing to take a few risks. Even with people with whom there may have been some tension in the past, you will find that things can be easily smoothed out this week. This is a good time to talk things out, and let people know how much they mean to you. Don’t worry if you can’t find the right words. Just speak from the heart, and the rest will follow.
It may seem at times that you just don’t know if you are coming or going. That’s okay right now. You probably don’t really want to follow the rules right now any way. However, if you try to do too much, you could find yourself over your head, and feeling all scattered, frazzled and nervous. Slow down the tempo, and accept that there are times when it is simply okay to be a little lost. Just realize that if you allow yourself to go too far off the beaten track, you may need to re-ground yourself a bit, in order to restore some balance. Nonetheless, a natural flow between the mind and heart should steer you exactly where you need to go right now. And if that means breaking a few rules now and then, so be it.
One cannot possibly underestimate the power of Pluto transforming, regenerating and redefining you and your relationship to the world. This also applies to being transformed through your relationships, as well as redefining what your expectations are from them. Should you go the distance? Can you handle all the complexity and complications? Can you even help yourself not to? Be cautious, for even the most harmless flirtations are bound to get drawn into the labyrinth of Pluto’s net this week. Unless of course, that’s exactly what you want. Whatever it is that you are fixated about, you will probably have a better idea of whether or not it is working out by the last quarter Moon on Tuesday. Things could get a little deep. You might be wise to avoid broaching any sensitive subjects with people. Make sure that you are clear about what you want, and that everything is on the up and up.
The Sun is shining a light on Mars in Taurus all week. When the Sun is in Pisces, as it is now, it tends to dive deep, but you don’t want to dive so deep that you lose your way. This is a good time for you to seek meaning purpose and connection and all that, but also see if you can bottle some of that. Mars is right at the top of your chart, asking you to be a little proactive. So you might want to ask yourself what sorts of goals will bring you the most satisfaction right now? What will bring you deeper meaning? Mars is investing you with courage, passion and energy. Dare to step up to the plate and prove to the world what you can do. Be inspired. Be courageous. And go for yours.
This week may start off a little scattered and over-committed. Try not to over-reach. See if you can manage to round up the forces, focusing your attention and energy in a more constructive way. You have all this information and input. Now what are you going to do with it? Like a tangled mass of yarn, see if you can untangle it, thread by thread, to try and make sense of everything. Be prepared. There’s going to be a lot to untangle going forward over the next few weeks. So start practicing now. When it begins to feel like it is too much, remind yourself that things are progressing exactly the way they need to for now, and that there are simply some things over which you have no control. It may feel exasperating, but if you can focus on those things over which you know you do have some control, and let go of the rest, it will be a lot easier to deal with.
One week you wisely veer on the side of caution, holding yourself back, lest you make a mistake. If may also be that circumstances beyond your control remind your of your boundaries and limitations keeping you in check. The question remains. Should you continue to play it safe? Or should you venture to take the plunge? Just remember that there are always consequences, and it can be all too easy to get drawn into complicated situations when you dare to step off the tried and true path. And there’s no telling what could rise to the surface when you unearth things that were safely hidden away. When you open that forbidden door, all sorts of wraiths can escape. But so can other things, like passion and intensity. Dare to dive in, but don’t allow yourself to succumb. Bring a life preserver. This weather is changing from day to day, and there’s only so far you can go down one path before it shifts yet again. Just be very clear about what you really want and/or need.
Once Venus moves past Pluto this weekend, and you reemerge from the lower depths of the desire realms, it might be helpful to note that the Sun is shining a light on your ruling planet Mars all week. Once Mars moved into Taurus on February 14th it brought deeper levels of commitment to follow through with goals or projects. Don’t let this opportunity to pass by. You’ve got goals to achieve. Mars is now in Taurus, and if channeled correctly can help you to achieve those goals. Used positively, you can also enlist others in your cause. Just be aware, that if you are collaborating, that you may be expected to make certain compromises. This may be problematic, for although you are more than willing to compromise these days, it is really only provided everyone does things your way.
Part of you may feel like you should be following some set of rules, but then you step back again, and ask yourself why? Since when do I follow rules? But now more than ever you are being tempted to just go with the flow, and allow the adventure of the moment bring you where it may. However, even free-spirited Sagittarius has their limits. And you will probably want to make sure that you don’t get over-extended in the process. Nonetheless, there is something of the free adventurer urging you ever onwards. And if you play your cards right, you might even be able to make it worth your while. It may even seem this week that the universe is conspiring to draw you to the people and circumstances, that just may even make that happen.
You’ve been nice up until now. You’ve been following the rules, doing what you are supposed to do. However, now the temptation is to maybe give in to temptation. Just remember, that being a Capricorn, you wear a bright neon sign every time you try to break the rules. Admit it. You just can’t. Even when you think you want to, you do everything you can to get caught. Just recognize that if you are tempted to go off the beaten track, that there are likely to be ramifications and consequences. But one thing that can come as a result of meandering off the usual track, and that is coming to appreciate that you don’t always have to do things the way you have in the past, and not everyone is cut from the same cloth. Acceptance can go a long way.
Caught between the past and the future, both can be compelling right now. One dangerously so, the other scarily so. The past is the past, and there is no going back there, no matter how much you long for what could have or should have been. Just dwelling there will bring up all sorts of emotions that you could easily do without. Release old resentments, fears, wounds, that are holding you back and preventing you from looking forward. And dare to think in terms of being willing to step outside of your comfort zone. Not so much that it scares the bajeezus out of you. Just enough to recognize that there are indeed alternatives and possibilities unfolding in front of you. Something different this way comes.
There are times when it is all you can do to keep yourself grounded. This may be one of those times. And it could feel a little overwhelming if you are a particularly sensitive Pisces. It will be hard to screen out all of the energy, leaving you feeling over-extended, and even a little anxious. Best way to handle this weather is to try to maintain some sort of schedule and routine, and not allow yourself to get pulled in every direction at once. Things should begin to settle after the weekend. What this week is really good for: making connections with others who share similar aspirations; getting in touch with old friends; reconnecting with an old hope or aspiration; and taking the time to let those people know, whom you consider to be most important to you, exactly what they mean to you. Speak from the heart. The rest will flow naturally.