For the week of February 8th thru the 15th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Things could start to get a little raucous this week. Mars has been in your sign since New Year’s day stirring up all sorts of attitude and activity. This week it’s in its final throes of Aries. Sometimes these last degrees are the strongest. All the more so as Mars will meet up with radical and rebellious Uranus just before it enters Taurus next Thursday. Mars/Uranus is unpredictable and highly charged energy that can go anywhere. It can launch you into space, or trip you up on your way out the door. So we all need to be a little careful with this fiery and explosive duo. It’s great for getting creative ventures up and off the ground. But you also have to be vigilant and aware of your surroundings. For the past 7 years that Uranus has been in your sign, you have come out and let the world know exactly who you are. Mars just gives that a little extra oomph and send off before Uranus finally leaves Aries in March. This is about owning all the changes, and experiences that have brought you to this place, where you are right now. You’ve claimed your space, and it’s unlikely you’re going to allow anyone or anything to take that from you now. You’ve earned it.
The story of the week is that Mercury will enter Pisces on Sunday for an extended period of time. However, Mercury is not the only planet changing signs this week. Warrior-planet, Mars, enters Taurus on Thursday energizing and inspiring our otherwise laid back Taureans. On the one hand, this could prove to be quite welcome. While in Aries, Mars has been more of an irritation and annoyance. Much of what you might have wanted to get started was elusive. But with Mars now in your sign, you just might see yourself re-instilled with motivation, and the energy to get you moving. But don’t go too hog wild here just yet. Your ruling planet Venus is in staid Capricorn, and she wants you to focus on perfection, quality, skill and excellence, rather than speed. One thing that Venus is also trying to show you this week, are practical but meaningful ways to make a cherished dream a closer reality. It may even feel as if things are finally beginning to fall into place.
One begins to ask which (or who) is right, and which (or who) is wrong, and which one is the illusion, once your ruler, Mercury, enters the illusive depths of Pisces for the next 9 weeks. Mercury in Pisces periods are best for reflection, meditation, serenity and allowing yourself to let go, and even to get lost for a bit. It may be difficult to get things done, and it may feel a little surreal at times, especially during the retrograde period, but letting go of expectations will help to guide you through any confusion or disinformation that may arise, which is the by-product of Mercury in Pisces. Just before Mercury enters Pisces on Sunday, there will be this window of creative clarity and understanding. Pay attention for it will be fleeting and quick, but could also lend some insight into solving a problem or a conundrum. And then after that, pull out the meditation mats, for we are then entering the languorous albeit sometimes inspiring and transcendent, Mercury in Pisces phase.
Things usually begin to speed up a bit after the first quarter moon. Projects begin to get off the ground and start to move forward. But at this first quarter Moon, you also get the sense of ‘what is going to stay, and what needs to go’ in order to prepare for any impending changes. This is where conflict begins to also set in (do I really want to do this?). The problem is, not being able to see the whole picture going forward. And now that Mercury is entering Pisces this weekend, we are being asked to go forth blindly and on faith, trusting our inner guidance systems: intuition and feelings. As a result you are bound to change your point of view more than once over the next few months, as feelings are fickle and influenced by even the tides. Therefore perhaps the best advice for Cancer for the next few months is to reserve judgment, and keep some things to yourself until you are absolutely sure about where you stand. And do allow your imagination to soar, exploring different ideas, teachings, subjects… your mind is bound to be vast and flexible, therefore take advantage of it. But don’t believe everything you hear.
Positive attitudes reap positive results. A big vision is emerging in the company of others. Pay attention to what that vision looks like as it evolves and grows. Mercury is moving into Pisces this weekend for an extraordinary period of time. And at that point it could begin to bring that vision to a whole other level, or just wash it away in the waters of forgetfulness. By either transcending reality, or descending into the hidden depths, things previously hidden or forgotten are bound to come to light as a result, and prove to be both intriguing and distracting. Perhaps even scandalous. And within that context things could get a little blurred. So hold on to that big vision. Write it down, hold it, cultivate it, so that you don’t lose it or forget it in the moment. You can always get back to it later if you need to. For we are all going to be feeling a bit lost and distracted for the 9 weeks that Mercury will be in Pisces, and it will be all you can do to sort things out.
Your ruling planet Mercury will enter Pisces this weekend. Before it does so, there will be a few brilliant moments of clarity and understanding. But they are going to be fleeting and quick, so pay attention. Hold on to those moments, for things could get a little murky while Mercury is in Pisces for the next few months. Mercury in Pisces is notorious for deception and confusion. Even before Mercury is retrograde next month, we are bound to feel as if things are getting lost in translation. What Mercury in Pisces is good for is opening up your heart, listening with a compassionate mind, and understanding what others are feeling even more than what they are saying. Pisces is a sign that is profoundly intuitive and totally illogical. But in order to practically use the more profound gifts that Mercury in Pisces brings, pay attention to feelings and intuition, but also temper it with common sense, especially in your relations with others.
Over the next few weeks it could feel as if your relationships are going through some sort of metamorphosis. However, before that happens there may be a few more twists and turns before the week is out. Over the past 7 years, you have come to see people in a whole different light. What has been revealed has not always been easy to understand, but it has been illuminating. Especially in regards to your own expectations of yourself, as well as what you want from your closest relationships. Mercury entering Pisces this weekend will find many a Libra preoccupied with their health and well-being, every day work, as well as getting a handle on your daily routines. One thing that is apparent to Libra, is the balance between physical health, and mental/psychological well-being. Getting a handle on one will greatly benefit the other. And if you can combine both, all the better. See how you can allow a healthier lifestyle to also be a more meaningful lifestyle. Whether that means incorporating more spiritual practices, being willing to take some time out for mental health or creative activities. The key here is to feed soul and spirit, as well as your body.
This could be one of those weeks, that catches you off guard. A sudden set back or change of plans could find you suddenly waiting on the sidelines, wondering what happened. Up until next Thursday, things could be moving really quickly. And even if nothing specific happens, you may still have to make that change in plans due to unforeseen circumstances beyond your control. Pace yourself so you can remain on top of things. And if you are ready for it, the quick pace could also be quite inspiring and motivating. All sorts of creative ideas can be spawned during the week. Be open to new ideas, and be willing to go off track. You might be pleasantly surprised. Next Thursday Mars moves from fiery Aries into deliberate and steadfast Taurus. At this point you may want to decide whether or not you wish to follow through with any new initiatives just thrown into your lap. The key here is about where you see yourself channeling and focusing your energy in the foreseeable future.
Some good news, or a really nice offer could have you totally stoked as we start the week. There may even be some Sagittarius type celebrations brewing over the weekend. Go for it Sagittarius, this is your year! And you’ll want to get it all in while you can. Mercury enters the sign of Pisces this weekend, where it will remain for an extended period of time. During the next few months you will be doing a lot of reflecting and ruminating about a possible decision. Things may not go quite as smoothly as you would like. There may be some unseen complications, especially concerning a family matter, home or property. It would probably be wise to keep things open and honest, as secrets have this way of being disclosed. Probably best not to make major decisions concerning these areas until after March. What this period will be good for, and you might even begin to feel it already this week, and that is cleaning out and reorganizing your house and home: remove and recycle old and worn out items; clean out the closets; take some sort of itinerary; do a whole Marie Kondo thing. You will want to be ready for the next phase.
Venus entering your sign is bringing you a number of opportunities, not the least of which is proving to others that you can and will be counted on; even when you have a million things on your plate. Loyalty and responsibility are traits that Capricorn strongly admires, and being able to put these into practice will demonstrate to others what reliability and integrity looks like. Beginning this weekend, Mercury will be in the sign of Pisces for the next two months. This is an unusually long time for Mercury to be in a sign. Part of that reason is that Mercury will be retrograde in Pisces for almost the whole month of March. For Capricorn this could feel like an extended retrograde period, starting earlier and ending later. Sometimes with Mercury in Pisces it could feel like things are getting lost in translation, or that you are having to learn a whole new language. However, there are also positive things that this period will bring: intuitive insights; putting your convictions into action; studying a subject that is meaningful to you; and gaining some important insights into your own mind.
As Mars comes to join Uranus this week, there could be some unexpected surprises afoot. These can be either illuminating, or confounding. Nonetheless it would be wise to take things slowly and cautiously. This is especially true as things could be moving rather quickly around you, and it will be all you can do to keep up. After the excitement of the week you will want to take some down time: retreat, hole up somewhere, get your bearings. A number of Aquarians are coming to the end of a phase in their lives. Which also means that a new phase will be emerging. This can be a little disorienting moving forward, especially if you cannot see what that new beginning will look like just yet. In the mean time, for the next few months, there are other things that need sorting out. Among these are things surrounding finances and self-worth. One thing to focus on is about your external security and circumstances. The other has more to do with all the internal work on self-worth that still needs to be done. One thing to pay attention to is how your own attitude and sense of self-shame undermines your confidence in yourself, and what you have to offer.
Hello Pisces. Guess what? Mercury is going to be in your sign for the next 9 weeks, beginning Sunday. That’s a really long time for Mercury to stay in any sign. This will be due to Mercury being retrograde for most of the month of March. Retrograde or not, that’s a long time to be entertaining Mercury. Generally, your folk don’t care for the noise and chatter that Mercury can bring but there can be something sublime and emotionally insightful about Mercury being in Pisces. If anyone knows how to translate feelings and intuitive understanding into words it is Pisces, who has mastered the art of meaningful communication that speaks from and to the heart. Whether that be through music, through poetry, art, song, or just being present; follow your intuition and allow that always to be your guide. It will show you when to speak and when to be silent. What to say; or what not to say. Sometimes it is even better to show someone what you mean, rather than have to say it. And sometimes merely being there is exactly what people need most.