For the week of March 1st thru March 8th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
There are priorities. And then there are priorities. In trying to sort everything out, the next step is to think in terms of what sorts of sacrifices might you be willing to make in order to make your highest priorities a closer reality? With the New Moon in Pisces on Wednesday, and Mercury soon to be retrograde, it could feel as if things are winding down and coming to some sort of an ending. Before all is said and done, you are bound to change your mind more than once, shifting back and forth, riding the wave of uncertainty. In order to ride this wave, rather than looking longingly at the door that is closing, seek the inner vision that is trying to make itself known. The upcoming month is about inner journeys, making spiritual connections, listening to your dreams. You will need to slow down in order to be able to pay attention. Depending on the sort of Aries that you are, this may be difficult to manage. But doing this important inner work, will make all the difference in the world going forward.
Just before the New Moon, and less than a day after the retrograde station of Mercury, Uranus enters Taurus, where it will remain for the next 7 years. During this period of time, your world could change in some remarkable ways. And even now it is beginning to shift. One way is by connecting to a broader network of acquaintances that are daring you to consider that there might be other, perhaps different ways of living your life, of being. It opens avenues of freedom that you might not even have considered before. Even small changes can have remarkable effects on one’s psyche, opening you up to new creative possibilities. In this way it seems the universe is conspiring for you to live a more authentic, freer, lifestyle. Something interesting this way comes. Because of the retrograde Mercury, the New Moon on Wednesday is a great time to seed the intention to acquaint yourself with your innermost aspirations, hopes and wishes. Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it may bring back… (Anais Nin).
Mercury slows for its retrograde station just hours before the New Moon on Wednesday. Both fall in the sign of Pisces, which for Gemini is a sign associated with goals, aspirations and status. It may seem that there is some confusion, blindness, uncertainty about the future these days, and this will be even further brought home by these simultaneous events this week. Mixed messages? Confusing decisions? If at all possible, it may be wise to put important decisions aside, as you navigate these foggy and misty seas. Although Gemini is a sign of motion, Pisces is a sign of stillness, acceptance and receptivity. With Mercury now moving retrograde notice how the senses become more sensitive; and allow yourself to immerse your senses in your environment. No judgment. Just noticing. And being. And accepting. The next steps of your life will slowly be revealed over the coming months. But for now, you are merely being asked to see, hear, smell and feel. To be.
If you were to know God(dess), where would you look? There is the assumption that we should look outside of ourselves, in a religion, a guru, or some charismatic leader. Somewhere else. But if deity is indeed omnipresent, then perhaps the best place to look for your own truth is within. We might find confirmation without, but with Mercury stationing retrograde in Pisces, we are being asked to check within first. We are also being asked to not be ashamed of our own precious beliefs. There is wisdom in this. And with the New Moon on Wednesday, make the intention to seek some sort of higher meaning in your life: whether that be through spiritual practice, travel, a study you take up; exploring your environment, through the arts, thru music: seek to honor and realize your own inner ideals, truth and refuge, in whatever way that translates best for you. Through accepting that I have so much more to learn, I embark on the journey to know.
Fantasies and the imagination take hold in the dark of the New Moon next week. So can deception. So can fear. Make sure you are seeing things clearly and that you have all the facts before making any important decisions. Sometimes we see only what we want to see, and hear what we choose to hear. At these times of uncertainty, see if you can find the truth within your heart, and ask yourself how you may have been led astray by living in denial or refusing to face reality? Quiet and introspection are needed for now. All the more so if you are plagued by uncertainty. It is in silence and honoring truth that you will find your way. Be gentle with people, and show compassion and consideration. Many will be feeling sensitive and wounded and on the edge. Seek inner peace and the rest will unfold. Something is being asked to be transformed. It can be painful in the process, but by the time the Mercury retro period ends at the end of March, it is hoped that not only will you achieve your own healing, but then you can take on the role of counsel to others.
The messages you receive from others can be rife with confusion, deception and even fear of loss with the Mercury retrograde and New Moon in Pisces. One may need to stop and ask: which is real, and which is the delusion? Whatever mixed messages there are can make it feel as if you are unable to make healthy connections with others. Feeling undermined, rejected or ignored it may be more difficult than usual to get your message across to others. However, recognizing that we are all wounded can lead to greater acceptance and inclusion. It would also be helpful to mark your words which are much more powerful in this sensitive weather. Words can heal, but they can also wound. Especially these days! There is a profundity of magic with the way that we use language. And that applies to prayers, mantras and spiritual practices too. Doing so with a heart of compassion, can go far to helping to heal this forsaken world.
It could feel a little restless as we enter this strange, but sublime week, and it could also serve to shake things up a bit in the beginning. Just a bit and just enough to make you aware of other possibilities moving forward, and to ignite your passion for being. This is the spark for joyous enthusiasm, and your zest for life. Kindle it, but don’t dwell there too long. We are diving into the deep next week, and all of us are being asked to take a step back. Don’t step back so far that you dissolve into a lethargic lump. But do allow some of that sublime essence to enter your daily life and activities. This can include rededicating yourself to a spiritual practice; readdressing a diet; incorporating more mindfulness into your daily life. You are being asked to honor stillness and presence, and in some way you are also being asked to reconcile your inner spiritual well-being with your outer physical being, in order to achieve greater wholeness.
There could be the motivation to join forces with others, in order to do something that serves the greater good, or to fulfill some sort of idealistic aspiration. All this watery Pisces weather can be very compelling. Part of the reason is that your heart just seems to open up that much more. This allows you to accept people where they are without judgment. It also allows you to make more profound connections. Those sorts of connections where words are no longer necessary. And even if there are no outer connections, the inner connections are even more profound. Both the New Moon which falls next Wednesday, as well as the retrograde phase of Mercury, are asking you to reacquaint yourself with your inner muse. It’s the sort of understanding, the sort of acquaintance that only the heart knows for sure. And even if there are no words, it doesn’t really matter. For it is the experience that counts. Not the words themselves.
Sometimes it is better not to share everything. There are just some things better kept to oneself. This is especially true now that Mercury is stationing retrograde in Pisces, so close to the centaur Chiron. It would only create more problems if you say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Or speak too soon. Allow things to fall into place in their own time, in their own way. No use projecting into the future what has not occurred, nor worrying about mistakes from the past. The most important time you have is right now. These retrograde periods are times of assimilation: taking everything that you have experienced in the past few months, process it all, and distill the essence. This is also a period of time in which you are able to fully visualize where you see yourself going forward. Visualize within your mind what you would like your ideal life to look like. Making that connection is key right now. Making it feasible will unfold later on.
We all have dreams. But the practical way to make your dreams a closer reality is to arrive at a point of acceptance with what you have, and how far you can or are willing to go. One of the things you come to realize is that you don’t have to go wandering the world over to find your dream. It’s usually right in front of you. Reality supplies what you need. And sometimes it’s just a matter of repurposing what you have. Saturn traveling through your sign right now grounds you in reality, precisely so that you can achieve your dreams. The New Moon on Wednesday is a good Moon to further commit yourself to a practice, a study or learning a new skill. This would be particularly those skills and practices that tap into your intuition, your capacity for understanding, and any spiritual or creative aspirations you may have.
Just before the New Moon on Wednesday, and right after Mercury stations retrograde on Tuesday, Uranus enters Taurus, where it will remain for the next 7 years. At some point during this time frame this shift could rock your world. It may even feel like you are uprooted for a bit. Uranus can do that. It attempts to toss you out of the nest, or oust you out of the rut you got yourself into. Right now, you might not know how or why that is going to happen. And the uncertainty and doubt could be unnerving. Truth is, you really don’t need to worry about that. Things will unfold in their own time as they will. In the mean time, we are all being asked to be in the moment. For Aquarius that can and does include sifting through your priorities. This can include things like managing your resources or creating a financial plan. But it can also include things like acknowledging your self-worth and self-esteem. Ask yourself at the New Moon: what sacrifices am I (or am I not) willing to make, in order to lead a more meaningful life?
On Wednesday, March 6th, there is a New Moon in your sign. The Pisceans that will be most affected by this New Moon are those born between March 4th and the 8th, or who have 13-17º of Pisces Rising. It is particularly poignant for those born at these degrees because the planet Neptune, and the asteroid Vesta are here as well. However, all Pisceans will feel this New Moon, as well as the Mercury station retrograde the day before. Whenever there is a New Moon in your own sign, it is like a reboot with a renewed sense of self-awareness. But this one might feel a little uncertain and ambivalent due to the Neptunian influence. It’s as if you are not sure exactly what you want or where you are going, and you are needing to keep the faith that you are going in the right direction, even in the midst of this uncertainty. When Mercury is retrograde it is not always easy to get the right words out. Try writing instead. Whatever means it takes to make that inner connection with self right now. That’s what you need to do.