For the week of February 1st through the 8th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Affirmation: I vow to uphold the noble aspiration to defend equality and promote civil rights for each and all. What you learn now, can help to expand your over all vision for the future. But take it slow over the weekend. Don’t push too hard. Being over-aggressive in your actions or determination could end regrettably. The few days before the New Moon are best spent releasing and retreating, not confronting or pushing. Faced with a challenge, Aries will often try to push back. But wisdom in this case might suggest silent determination, coupled with the wisdom of recognizing what your and other’s limits are. The New Moon will bring a revitalized vision and hope for the future. The Aquarius New Moon is your wishing Moon, and this Moon in particular asks you to think in terms of broader possibilities and the hope to expand your opportunities in the future. Other things this Moon is good for cultivating and expanding: learning how to network and join forces with others in the achievement of your goals; and linking up with those groups or individuals that share the same ideals that you do. There are causes dear to your heart that need defending.
Intention: May I be open to new and innovative solutions in order to achieve my goals and remove obstacles. For the past month that Venus has been in Sagittarius there has certainly been quite a bit of optimism and general cheer. Whereas Sagittarius months tend to be a little extravagant and generous, now you are generating a much more sober attitude towards spending and investing, and having to pay the bills, and to think in terms of balancing the books. You have goals to achieve. And that is what the upcoming New Moon is good for: clarifying the goals that you wish to achieve in the foreseeable future. Thinking in terms of both short-term and longer term goals, take some time out to contemplate what these look like for you right now. Set the intention to fulfill the image, goal, status, that you would like to see yourself achieve. There will always be those who will try to coerce you to conform to their path. But seek to honor your own authentic path that is unfolding.
Affirmation: I walk in truth, holding on to my convictions, even if it seems as if everyone else is trending in a different direction. This is about knowing your own truth, and trusting it. This could have to do with your fundamental beliefs and values that you would not want to compromise. But this could also apply to your life path and journey, and knowing that the path that you choose, may not be one that others might not necessarily choose. So when thinking about the future dare to stretch yourself a little, being willing to look at things from all sides. It may very well be that the way to achieve your goals, may be a little different than it would be for others. You have your own road to follow. The New Moon on Monday is very good for thinking about how you might want to expand your horizons, whether that be through a trip, a journey, a new course of study, or redefining where you stand in the context of what you believe, and who you are in the general scheme of things.
Affirmation: I embrace the possibility of new, exciting, and potentially mind-altering experiences. Even if the New Moon does not touch anything significant in your chart, Cancer is always sensitive to the New and Full Moons, and are often in alignment with all of the moon’s phases. The few days just before the New Moon are times for releasing, purifying and letting go in preparation for the New Moon on the 4th. The New Moon in Aquarius is about discovery, awakening to your truth, and renewal. You might want to ask yourself, what needs to be released in order to have greater chances for renewal in your life? But you could also ask, what answers are waiting to be discovered, if you dare to ask the right questions? Psychological breakthroughs, realizations, insights, can all be instrumental in getting you back in alignment with your aspirations and goals. This is a great Moon to make resolutions about getting yourself back on the path that you wish to be traveling on.
Intention: When I surround myself with those who share similar ideals, aspirations and hopes for the future, I find myself motivated and inspired to do good works. You are often a beacon of light and hope for others. But right now you could use a little inspiration and guidance from others. And someone may just come and serve as that beacon of light, truth and understanding that you are needing. Could be just what the doctor ordered. The New Moon is about cultivating and sowing new beginnings, and the New Moon in Aquarius focuses on relationships for Leo. That includes all relationships, especially and including close friends and partners. But it can also have to do with your ‘audience’ and customers. So if you want to draw more clients, fans, customers to your business, the New Moon on Monday, is just the Moon to work with. But it is also an opportunity to assess who you are hanging with; who you care to take advice from; and what your expectations are from all the people in your life.
Affirmation: I am able to see solutions to problems by being willing to look at the situation from another perspective. One thing that Virgo is very good at is sorting things out. In fact, the more tangled the problem, the more intriguing it is. You can certainly use the upcoming New Moon energy in order to create more order or organization in your daily life, whether that be at work or at home. Or it can be used to redefine your daily routine in order to promote greater health and general well-being. But at the same time you are being asked to step a little outside the box. So at work, this could mean using new methods or technology to be more efficient and organized. Or if addressing your general health and well-being perhaps considering some sort of alternative form of therapy or healing modality. What you learn this week could open you up to a much bigger picture, allowing you to feel pretty enthusiastic about your plans for the future.
Intention: May I find the best ways to cultivate my creative genius in such a way that ideas just spontaneously arise and grow. This is the sort of week in which ideas just seem to pop into your head in rapid succession. The problem is holding on to them. Write them down if you must. Don’t let them just fly away. There could be some real insights here well worth cultivating. As an exercise, sit down in the hours or days following the New Moon to write out a list of creative ideas you may have been mulling over. Or allow new ones in. One of the beauties of the New Moon in Aquarius is that it dares us all to try on new ideas and perspectives. If you are looking for inspiration, you won’t need to go very far. Just through your everyday encounters and discussions, you could be privy to having your mind blown. In a good way. If you’ve been feeling at all scattered and distracted, there may be a positive shift towards greater organization and clarity. Begin with the basics at home first.
Intention: I aim to release any self-limiting doubts, beliefs or behaviors that are standing in the way of my dreams. The upcoming New Moon is great for getting down to the most fundamental level of your being, and releasing any obstacles that may be lingering there, that may be preventing you from achieving your dreams. These are the sorts of obstacles that linger within: such as doubts, or self-limiting beliefs about yourself and your potential. The few days before the New Moon are best for purification and releasing. Allowing yourself to focus your energy in your own backyard which helps to clear the way for any new ideas that are percolating and getting ready to be launched. One positive outcome is to better appreciate the patterns and events in your life that have led you to where you are now. Approach the New Moon with the intention to achieve freedom. Then use the energy of the New Moon on Tuesday to better appreciate the gifts and opportunities you have now.
Affirmation: I embrace the possibility of new, exciting, and potentially mind-altering experiences. Your world has been gradually expanding in ways that even you had probably not anticipated. You are riding the grand Jupiter wave, and wherever you put your focus, Jupiter helps to bring you there. The New Moon on Monday/Tuesday is helping you to further expand your possibilities by showing you the potential that is being unveiled through your everyday experiences, conversations, sights and sounds. One area where we tend to limit ourselves is in our own minds. This Moon aims to free up your perspective, and could literally blow your mind with self-realizations. Pay attention to your environment for clues. You could make discoveries in some of the least likely of places: while commuting or driving; while standing in line at the grocer’s. Open your eyes, and listen. There’s no telling where this could take you.
Advice: To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.(Ralph Waldo Emerson) Last month the focus was on setting the tone for a new beginning. This month is focused on whether or not that new beginning is practical, realistic and sustainable. You are not likely to turn away from the hard work that is being required of you. But now you are inclined to think in terms of creating some sort of financial plan; or exploring what resources are available to you. This can include the skills that you have. What skills would you like to see further developed, what would you like to learn more about, what new skills would you like to learn? Explore your priorities. You may decide that you would be willing to make less to have a better quality of life. Or get more lucrative skills in order to make a more reliable income. There is something to be said for trusting in the universe to bring you where you need to be in order to fulfill your destiny. A good affirmation for this moon may be: I believe in myself and my ability to support myself.
Affirmation: I dare to walk my own path, following my own unique vision. The New Moon on the 4th (5th) is your New Moon It will be most potent for those Aquarians born between February 2nd and the 6th, or who have 12-18º of Aquarius rising, but no matter what your birth date, this is your Moon, Aquarius. This is not only the Chinese New Year, it is your New Year as well: a moon of new beginnings. And this year, the New Moon looks a bit like a wish-fulfilling jewel, filling you with all sorts of enthusiasm for the possibilities that are going to be unfolding. It is also giving you a glimpse of what may be or could be in the future. With this Moon you might want to pay attention to having more control over your life and destiny; or thinking about what sorts of changes that you might want to make that will bring greater liberty and freedom to do what you want according to your own terms. What might you want to do to bring your life and yourself more in alignment with your true self and identity?
Intention: I aim to release any self-limiting doubts, beliefs or behaviors that are standing in the way of my dreams. In order to see your future more clearly, sometimes it is helpful to revisit the past. This week is ideal for inner journeys: going on retreat; making spiritual connections; dream work; insight through retrospection; and realizations made about the past, or as the result of things being revealed. As a result of these some sort of psychological healing can be achieved. It’s kind of like a light coming on in the dim recesses of a closet that has not been entered in a while. You are bound to find all sorts of stuff that you no longer need and is just taking up much needed space. On the other hand, there’s no telling what will be discovered there, that can, in turn, be deeply inspiring.