For the week of March 22nd thru the 29th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Well, here’s a shift: you trying to calm everyone else down for a change. The truth is you are not really in the diplomacy business, and with Mercury all retrograde and hanging with Neptune, a few boundaries need to be reestablished stat. At least in a healthy, self-survival sort of way. But also realize that although Uranus has finally left your sign, Chiron has now entered through the other door. And in some way you are still needing to eke out things on your own. There is a long-range reason for this. And it is a good one. And it’s very much about sorting out your own path and destiny. And no one can do that for you but yourself. In the mean time don’t try to push anything beyond its limits, and certainly don’t make any promises you probably cannot keep. You just don’t have all the information you will need right now. Therefore patience, and the willingness to step back and wait are key. Difficult, but key.
You may be wondering why people are so terribly stubborn and difficult these days. Passions invariably come to the surface around the Full Moon. All the more so when people feel passionate about certain things, such as you do lately. And it can be terribly frustrating when you are trying to take the initiative and you get tripped up in the process.This is especially frustrating since Mars is still in your sign, and Mars in Taurus says: “Let’s not argue about this, let’s just do it this way.” Realize that any lingering aggravation is eventually going to phase out. First Venus (your ruling planet) moves into the sublime and exalted waters of Pisces on Tuesday. And then at the very end of the month, Mars will finally leave your sign. And although erratic and changeable Uranus is still stealing the show in early Taurus, right now. And quite frankly, that suits you just fine. You are ready to try something new, and chances are, you may be surprised with the results.
The world is just filled with a number of surprises that creep up on us from behind, and we simply did not see coming. The result can be a simple change of plans.. or a whole new perspective. We often have these shifts when Mercury stations, as it will next week. But this feels a little more profound: like secrets being disclosed; like suddenly seeing something that was there all along but you simply hadn’t noticed before; like re-finding something that had been misplaced or lost and feeling like it is new once again. Sometimes the shifts are less pleasant, and/or merely disrupting. But in some way the story changes. Often we hope for clarity when Mercury stations direct as it will on the 28th. But this Mercury is being overwhelmed by Neptune for days after the station. The key to this period is to keep your feet firmly planted, and allow the earth energy to ground you. Then you can make the most of this limitless, boundary-less time.
Get out the oars and begin rowing. The floods of Pisces are upon us and will remain until early April even though we just entered Aries season. However we are also emerging from the rays of the recent Full Moon. Anything interesting revealed in its light rays? With Chiron now in Aries, it may become apparent to quite a few, that if we want to make our way in the world, we’re going to have to rely on our own cognizance. First step is in recognizing what our path is, and honoring that. In the mean time, Mercury is still retrograde, and in Pisces, and conjunct Neptune, and it will be all we can do to navigate this confusing weather. But if anyone can manage it, it would probably be Cancer. One thing this weather can do is magnify the imagination, as well as the intuition. Mercury will not station direct until the 28th. Until then the emphasis is primarily about what is going on inside: your perspective; your general outlook and perceptions. If something needs to change, that will become more apparent as we get closer to the 28th. In the mean time seek profundity through practices and silent meditation.
The recent Full Moon shone a light on our wounds, our sorrows and regrets. But it also was trying to reveal the remedy for these as well. It would be interesting to note what messages or stories were revealed through this awesome moon. One of the stories of Chiron in Aries, which is one of the things this moon was shining on, is the story of acceptance. Another is guidance. Guidance can come in many forms. It is said that the Bodhisattvas are capable of taking almost any form necessary in order to bring the most benefit. So who knows where that particular guidance may be found? But sometimes guidance can also come from within. And that would certainly be true now, as Mercury is still in its last leg of its retrograde phase. Even when Mercury is direct again, we are all going to be teetering on the brink of uncertainty. These inner guides will be all the more necessary in just these sorts of times.
Mercury is in its last week of its retrograde phase. It will station direct on the 28th. From around that time forward things that had been previously hidden could be revealed, however I would not expect full clarity until Mercury emerges from the ambit of Neptune in April. In the mean time be on guard. Lies, confusion and misrepresentation are rampant in this Mercury in Pisces weather, and it will be all you can do to decipher the signs and meanings. Luckily intuition is strong, and can serve as something of an internal guidance system, but even that could prove to be unreliable right now. Nothing is certain. One thing to pay attention to, is whether or not you are seeing things as they truly are, or are you only seeing what you want or expect to see. It is amazing the way our belief systems and feelings can color the way we see, hear and perceive the world. This will be all the more so this coming week, as your ruling planet slows in this ambiguous Neptunian realm.
You may be wondering why everyone is so sensitive and grumpy in the wake of the Full Moon that just passed. Besides having just entered Aries season, which is grumpy enough on its own, you may notice that people are a little more edgy than usual. It’s all you can do to diplomatically weave your way through this one. It certainly does not help that Mercury is still all retrograde and speaking in tongues, so that no one understands what the other is saying. Sometimes it is just easier to give the victory over to others. However, you will be happy to learn the the energy will be shifting, as Mercury will be stationing direct on the 28th, and Venus, your ruling planet, is changing signs this week. It is moving into Pisces, which is a vantage point from which you can attempt to gain a higher perspective. And as Venus first enters Pisces it will remind you that you can adapt through a willingness to try new things, or do things in a new way. You may be pleasantly surprised as a result.
Don’t you just wish people would calm down already? Why must they take things so personally, and be all confrontational about it? The truth is when people both feel so passionately about things it could feel like there is so much invested on their own side, and it makes it more difficult to compromise. Things are going to be gradually shifting by the end of the month though, when it becomes apparent that certain changes are probably going to be inevitable. And with Mercury also going direct on the 28th, we may finally begin to see through the fog and confusion. Or at least feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. In the mean time, you may learn something about someone else that could prove to be both surprising and enlightening at the same time. And maybe even a little exciting.
There are so many strange twists and turns in life. Some of these we can predict. Others not so much. So sometimes we have to just go with the flow. And this is particularly true when it comes to self-care and recognizing the need to adapt to whatever changing circumstances may arise. Sagittarius is usually pretty good at adapting to these. And so it is a good thing to keep in mind. It is also a good thing to keep in mind that things may not necessarily be the way you think they are. Not in this foggy weather. Some things may be deliberately hidden. Others you just may not be even noticing. One way to navigate this foggy weather is to make sure that you have your feet practically planted in reality. The other is to make sure that you truly have all the information you need in order to make an informed decision. And that might not yet be so. You are also going to have to ask yourself, what is realistic, and what is affordable? There’s the ideal. And then there is that which may not be perfect, but it’s still pretty good, and you know that it’s within your budget.
This weather is just so foggy, you may not know if you are even coming or going, or even who or what to believe any more. And for a Capricorn that can be infuriating. This could feel very much like you are sailing on a boat, knowing there are treacherous reefs about, but unable to see more than a few feet ahead. At times like this it is probably wise to pause and get your bearings. And if need be, wait it out, until you can see your way ahead. And most of all, keep your feet firmly planted. This means not losing sight of reality. It can literally mean feeling your bare feet connected to the earth to hold you in the here and now. You are being grounded by Saturn. You are also learning about patience, fortitude and determination, even if it feels like you aren’t currently going anywhere. Clarity will come in its own time. So will the time for action. For now it is enough to be present, pay attention, and be aware.
You may have noticed that people were particularly edgy and/or emotional around the Full Moon that just passed. One advantage to Full Moons is that things are brought out into the open where you can then deal with them. One disadvantage is that people are edgy and emotional. Which makes things even less comprehensible than it already is, what with Mercury all retrograde and confusing things. It could be all nerve-wracking trying to figure out if you are coming or you are going. Sometimes you just need to pause, rest and reset. You cannot really make any plans yet. For one thing with the Mercury retrograde it is unlikely that you will have all the information that you need going forward. Or that information could still change. The other thing is that you still probably have a bit on your plate that needs tying up. All will come in its own time as it will.
There are a few things this Mercury retro period is good for. And a few things that could be quite annoying. Not being able to communicate clearly, or get all the information that you need, could be particularly confounding and frustrating. It’s not fun be left in a state of limbo and uncertainty. Patience will be key here as we navigate the last week of this Mercury retrograde. And it’s a tough one. Things may not fully clear up until some time in April, even though Mercury stations on the 28th. That all can be nerve-wracking if you are needing to make plans. What this period is good for however, are creative inspiration; spiritual practices and experiences; and opening your heart to the divine and the good. Hearts and minds can be deeply touched in this weather where actions and feelings speak much more deeply than words.