For the horoscopes for the Full Moon at 26º of Libra on October 15th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Pay attention to the Full Moon on Saturday. It can bring some things to light that might need to be addressed, and probably should not be ignored. What needs to be fixed? Where have all the choices, laments, and decisions made in the past, brought you to where you are now? And what can you learn from these? And where might you want to go from here? With Mars recently entering Pisces, this is not necessarily a time for action, but it is a time for reflection and gaining deeper understanding. If you can look objectively at the circumstances surrounding the choices you have made in your life, then you can see them more clearly for what they are. And then scatter these with leaves of forgiveness for yourself and others. There can be plenty of blame to go around. That part is easy. The Full Moon in Libra is an opportunity to lay to rest the choices and the blames of the past, with a resolve to do things better from here on. For there is one thing that Aries always knows, and that is that tomorrow is another day and another opportunity.
Through the light of the Full Moon this weekend we all have the opportunity to uncover the secrets of that which compels us to keep moving, keep driving, keep going forward no matter what. And enlaced in those deep seated motivations are also the remnants of wounds, regrets, and fears that we had tucked away out of sight in order not to deal with them. Full Moons have this way of unveiling things. Even things that we had thought we had dealt with a long time ago, locking them in a box, and tossing away the key. Even these have this miraculous way of being revealed. If that is so, it is time to empty the box. Take a broom to the cobwebs at the back of the closet and beyond the dark corners of the wardrobe and the heavy furniture of our lives. With acceptance, and yes, even forgiveness, we are asked to meet them where they are, and then to release them all. For without doing so, we might miss the glorious treasures, and surprising insights that had been inadvertently locked away with them as well.
This is the sort of week, from which we would most benefit to be as flexible as we possibly can. Schedules can change, decisions have to be made quickly. Know that if things change up at the last minute, it is probably for something even better. When Mercury is conjunct Uranus, as it is this week, it can feel a bit like you are riding a roller coaster of change, and it will be all you can do to keep yourself from getting swept up in the commotion. At the very least it will be distracting. At its worst it will be all you can do to maintain your composure. This can lead to bouts of anxiety, regrettable mishaps and all sorts of conundrums. Just know that when the dust settles that everything is going to be okay. Things move quickly when Mercury meets Uranus, so pace yourself. But also take advantage of the creative potential that this transit can bring. And know that it is shining a light on your best path forward, helping you to navigate these interesting and changeable times.
This weekend’s Full Moon in Libra can be very revealing for us all. Cancer should be feeling this one, as it lays bare the wounds in our lives that we may have been trying to ignore, and not wanting to deal with. You may have even tried to hide them. Or they were forgotten beneath the debris of your busy life. But they are there, whether we acknowledge them or not, and they will not let us be, until we deal with them. But we are receiving another message as well. For we are being told that whatever may have wounded and held us back in the past, no longer has any hold over us. You no longer need to prove yourself to the ogres and the bullies of the world. You scoff at them all. You no longer need to contend with any lingering ghostly beasts that try to undermine your confidence. If you no longer want them in your life, send them all off with a sandwich, love and forgiveness, remembering that this is truly the first day of the rest of your life.
The world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket, and trying to take us all along for the ride. There are times when it might seem like a good idea to shut the shades, lock the door and pretend no one is home. Maybe they will just go away and take their bad news with them. Unfortunately, you will soon realize that life would be totally boring without the whole lot of them. You can’t live with them, but you can’t live without them either. One thing that becomes evident over time, and perhaps in the light of the Full Moon this weekend, is that humanity, at best, is not perfect. And so are we all struggling to improve our lives. This is what drives us crazy, but is also the very thing that binds us all. We are all just trying to make our way, bumping into the walls, and tripping over the carpet along the way. And even if the world is going to hell in a hand basket, it’s our world, and together, if we work at it, there is a vast potential for making it just a little bit better.
Any changes that you’ve been putting off, or been in denial about, can no longer be ignored in the light of the Full Moon in Libra. All the more so with Mercury also conjunct Uranus this week, which is asking you to pay attention to some bright new vision that is trying to make itself known. Perhaps it can bring you the opportunity to try something new and different… to perhaps even go off in a new direction, look at things in a whole new light, or learn something new that can bring the fresh new zeal and excitement of something about to be born. One of the things that the Full Moon is revealing are how your priorities have been shifting. What may have been important in the past, may no longer be relevant for the person you are now. And as a result of accommodating your current priorities, you come to see all these new possibilities that were there all along, but you were previously ignoring.
How many times in our lives have we said to ourselves, “What on Earth was I even thinking?”. And how many times have we said this in reference to our relationships? “What did I see in them?” “Why did I even go there?” “Was I out of my mind?” We are all allowed periodic moments of insanity, provided they don’t take up too vast a period of time. And chances are we’ve made these periodic detours more than once in our lives. But the curious thing about choices is that we are always making them. And we can make different choices going forward. But before we do so, it would be really helpful to unload any old resentments, regrets and anger that still ties us to these past choices. We can hope that all those past regrets will all just go away of their own accord. Or we can purge them from our lives along with the weekly trash once and for all, vowing to make new and better choices going forward. Which includes building healthier, wiser and ever better alliances going forward.
The Full Moon this weekend is trying to cast a light on that which most needs healing in our lives. It could feel like we are being blamed for something. Or that we are being filled with recrimination. It’s not so much about blame as it is to reinvest our lives with greater health and well-being, physically, mentally and psychologically. If something is brought to your attention this week don’t ignore it. Instead look to see if there is something that you can do about your current situation in order to improve it. If so, then do it. Otherwise, if there is nothing that can be done, is there something that you can change in your perspective in order to be able to accept your current circumstances for what they are? One other thing that may become clear is that you are not alone. That there are others here as well. And that they too are floundering along trying to make do. And it is through this sense of personal camaraderie that healing can be found, especially when we are courageous enough to bare our soul to others.
The Full Moon in Libra this weekend can bring all sorts of things to the surface. The good, the bad and the annoying. With that can come all sorts of things that you had thought you had sorted out a long time ago. That’s the annoying part. Know that some really good things can come to the surface with this moon as well. Interlaced with the regrettable and the lamentable is a deep well of creative and illuminating inspiration just barely bubbling to the surface. Use it. Use the creative urges being spawned by this moon to create better choices, better priorities going forward. In some meaningful way we are all be asked to grow and evolve with this Moon. Knowing that we have a chance to improve, to evolve and grow, allows us to move on with a greater sense of purpose and understanding that we are all just trying to do the best that we can.
Something that we may become aware of in the light of the upcoming Full Moon this weekend, is that if someone is broken, or filled with pain, we may not be able to take away their pain, we may not be able to fix them, we may not be able to make them better, but what we can do is let them know that they are not alone. All that requires is to simply be there. Be present. And accept people for who they are and where they are. The same goes for our own situation. Just knowing that we have someone who gets us, who knows what it feels like to be in pain, to be confused and wandering blindly, to know what that actually feels like without us having to tell them. That is like a gift that keeps on giving. May we appreciate with awe, reverence and gratitude, all those who are here, walking along with us on our path.
The Full Moon this weekend has this remarkable ability to shine a light on our lives. In the process it can bring up all sorts of things from the past, from the back corners of our memories, things that we may have forgotten, or thought neatly put away. Amongst the things being illuminated or rising to the surface, may be some old wounds, some pain that we had mislaid, but has nonetheless persisted. One advantage to this Moon is that it allows us to look at these from a distance, with an objective eye. In this way, we can see these wounds for what they were. Like we are observing from afar. They can no longer entangle us in their snare. Rather we are being asked to see them for what they are, with acceptance, forgiveness and understanding. There are other things that can rise to the surface as well: Such as an appreciation for our gifts, and talents, and capacity for understanding, which developed despite, or even because of these wounds. Through this process we come to appreciate this divine human condition we call life.
Things can change on a dime when Mercury is conjunct Uranus as it is this week. Know that appointments could change, plans will need to be re-routed and you may be forced to have to take a detour. This is okay. Because sometimes when we are willing to make these sorts of changes, it allows us to be able to see things in a whole new light, with all of their attending possibilities. And that light can be illuminating and helpful in guiding you through the mousetraps and obstacles that are being thrown your way. This weekend’s Full Moon can be enlightening. It can also be a little daunting. This is because we are being forced to confront some sort of monumental challenge or awareness, that just seems so big and so large. That’s okay. Because that Mercury/Uranus transit is going to bring you the answers that you need as you need them, guiding you over the obstacles, through the labyrinths, and out into the illuminating world of the new and untried.