For the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction (March 26th thru April 30th) be sure to read your Rising Sign as well. And if you happen to know the House position of the conjunction (24º of Pisces), read that section too:
(Or in the 12th House) When Neptune is in Pisces, Aries is being compelled to look for deeper spiritual, mystical or some sort of significant meaning in their lives, without looking for it in any particular place. When you think you have found all the answers and the place where truth exists, you will soon come to realize the fruitlessness of this. There will be inconsistencies and contradictions. Beliefs fade away into mere wistful dreams and hopes. This is because the lesson of Neptune in Pisces is that the answers are not to be found in any external place, or through a particular teaching, but in the still quiet place within your own mind and heart. And in order to find that place you are needing to disconnect, turn down the noise, dim the lights and connect to your own inner guidance system. This can be difficult in a world of constant motion and distraction, where we are constantly being asked to look at our watches or phones, or answer a random message. However, when we are willing to do so, even for a few minutes, to pause, to sit, to be, there is so much that can be realized and understood with Neptune in Pisces. All the more so, now that Jupiter is here as well. Use the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction to be inspired, to seek your own personal refuge, to seek solace and understanding. Jupiter and Neptune are asking you to connect with your own Higher Self, in whichever way you perceive that to be. And through this perhaps, great truths can then be revealed.
(Or in the 11th House) These past so many years since 2011, Neptune has been trying to tune you into the peace that comes after something has been accomplished. Neptune in Pisces can also bring disenchantment, disillusionment and unrealized expectations. With Neptune in Pisces it has been difficult for Taurus to find their people, their group, those who seem to share common goals. You may have thought you found it, and then their clay feet peak out from under their robes, and you come to realize that you were barking up the wrong tree. And now Jupiter comes along to remind you that the truth is not to be found out there, in some group, or a particular teacher or teaching. These may serve as guideposts along the way. But the ultimate truth is actually found within. And when that is realized, then you find your ultimate connection, not to a particular group or path, but to all of humanity. When we realize this connection, then we have taken the first step towards finding those who will help you to use your skills in service to something that is that much larger than previously realized. Perhaps towards something that could be considered a greater good. When you expand your influence out into the world in this wonderful way, the rewards and the connections are limitless. In this guise, Jupiter/Neptune even has the capacity to make a cherished dream, a much closer reality.
(Or in the 10th House) One of the things that can happen when Neptune is traveling in Pisces, as it has been since 2011, is that you are beset with this feeling of uncertainty about the future. You wonder if you are on the right path, and question the choices that you have made. We ask ourselves: Is what I do fulfilling or meaningful? We often feel disenchanted when Neptune is so strongly placed, or like we have gone off course, and are floating aimlessly off into the unknown. However, the curious thing about Neptune is that it is not really attached to material outcomes, and is more concerned with our more spiritual and inner inclinations. Neptune wants us to think about whether or not we are living our lives according to our own spiritual and altruistic convictions. Ironically the more selfless and altruistic your ambitions and goals during this period, the more likely you are to feel successful. And then along comes Jupiter, as it is now, curiously sprinkling all of this fairy dust on our Neptunian dreams and illusions that had been marinating on the back burner. And lo and behold, a dream begins to manifest and provide. It may not unfold right away. It may still be in its state of potential. But one thing that Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces can bring is this feeling of possibility. And so long as you keep at least one foot on the ground, within that limitless potential, are the seeds for making an ideal, a dream, or a vision for the future, a closer and more realizable goal.
(Or in the 9th House) If you were to look for truth, where would you find it? There is the danger of coming to believe that the truth is somewhere outside of yourself, in that other religion, that new fashionable guru, or some others sort of charismatic leader or group. Or you come to think that the grass will always be greener over there, on the other side of the tracks, or in some other land. Thinking that the truth is outside of ourselves can lead us here there and everywhere, in this search for deeper meaning and understanding. But with Neptune in Pisces Cancer was actually being persuaded to stop, be still, turn down the noise, and search for ultimate meaning and truth within your own heart and mind, and not in some other place. And now that Jupiter has entered Pisces as well, it will bring you confirmation for all that. As your inner Guru, Jupiter, is showing you the limitless possibilities and potential that are yours when you connect with yourself in this significant way. And perhaps one of the most revealing aspects of Jupiter traveling in Pisces in the company of Neptune is the way that your awareness is capable of growing to such an extent, that there will no longer be any room for self-limiting beliefs.
(Or in the 8th House) Sometimes in order to embrace a new and emerging dream, we are simultaneously asked to release an old way of life, an old dream, or previous expectations. As a result alliances can change, and where the way previously seemed to be open, obstacles suddenly arise. This can leave you feeling as if you are torn between two worlds. But rather than longing for what could have or would have been, pay attention to the opportunities that are now opening up before you. Even if and when these may seem disorienting at first. One of the difficulties with Neptune being in the 8th house these past 10 years is its uncertainty. Promises are broken, our dreams begin to unravel, and we feel our support systems giving way. But betwixt and between the vagaries and the inconsistencies your life has also been changing in subtle but meaningful ways. And part of that involves the willingness to be able to receive, to be taken care of, and to even be humble enough to ask for help if it is needed. This will serve you well now that Jupiter is in the picture. For one of the messages you are receiving is that help is there as it is needed, and that you are worth investing in. Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces are teaching you about the sacred exchange of energy and resources through this divine cycle of reciprocity. Know that receiving is not synonymous with taking. People are willing to invest in someone that they see as worthy, and has something of value to offer them as well. Or simply because you are you. Open yourself to the divine, and allow yourself to receive. It is yours.
(Or in the 7th House) Virgo works so hard to try and make sense of the world and keep things in order. So when Neptune entered Pisces in 2011 it totally upended the general order of things, creating that much more work for the beleaguered Virgos to do. Between herding cats and shoveling snow in the midst of a 10-year-long blizzard of mayhem and confusion, Virgo has no idea if they are coming or they are going. And to add to that confusion were all these people expecting you to make sacrifices and do things that were totally out of character. One of the benefits that Jupiter has brought into this picture is the ability to see things from a whole different perspective. This will allow you to improve the relationships that you do want to keep and further nurture, and to create new partnerships with people who do get you, and share the same sort of world vision that you have. When Jupiter is in Pisces as it is now, we are most likely to form mutually rewarding partnerships with others. Especially if and when you are able to ally yourself with those who just totally get you without you having to explain yourself.
(Or in the 6th House) One of the challenges for Libra over the past 10 years has been trying to bring what you do in your life (your daily activities, your work, your job, even your health and well-being) more in alignment with your ideals. This is about putting them into practice in your everyday life. Walking the walk as well as talking the talk. This can be as simple as living more sustainably, or taking the extra time to cultivate a healthy and more conscientious diet and lifestyle. And if you can actually do some kind of work that also supports your ideals and aspirations, even better! But too often with Neptune there can also be disappointment and disenchantment. Especially if we find our ideals conflicted or compromised by our work and what we do. Then along comes Jupiter with the promise to open doors, make your lifestyle a little easier and more manageable, allowing you to make your ideals and your dreams a closer reality. With the conjunction this week, think about ways that you might want to improve your daily routines and work schedule. If you were to visualize a more ideal day, what would you want to add, and what might you want to cut out? One of the ways that Jupiter can work in our favor when in the sign of Pisces is by freeing up your schedule in order to be able to do more of the things that would much rather be doing, in order to lead a healthier and happier lifestyle.
(Or in the 5th House) Some of the things Scorpio has been learning over the past 10 years is that when problems arise with loved ones, rather than trying to fix them, or even trying to understand them, oftentimes the best way to help is by simply being available. There is something to be said for understanding with the heart, and accepting others unconditionally, without judgment or expectations. Jupiter is now helping you to see the benefit of doing so, of letting go of previously held expectations, and opening up to the idea of unconditional acceptance. Old habits, old traditions die hard. But when you see the benefits of letting go and letting people be as they are, you can then move on to healthier and more open ways of loving the most important people in your life. Neptune has been doing something else while in the sign of Pisces and that has to do with inspiration and divination. Jupiter is feeding this as well. Like a well tended flower that’s been cultivated and treated with care, it is well nigh ready to bloom. Feed your visions well, create the conditions for them to thrive, and there’s no telling what and where they will bring you: a new promise, a new hope, a new means of personal self-expression, and a personal dream finally being brought to fruition.
(Or in the 4th House) It can be so disenchanting when the very people who should be unconditionally supporting you and your dreams the most are the ones who have undermined your confidence and self-esteem. This can happen when Neptune is in this angle of your Solar or Natal chart, as it has been for the past 10 years. As a result, you’ve been learning a lot about setting appropriate boundaries, and learning how to rely on yourself for your own support. And now that your ruling planet Jupiter is joining forces with transcendent albeit bewildering Neptune, it is here to show you how to make those hopes and dreams for the future a closer reality. And the area where that needs to start is within your own hearth and home. Ideally, Neptune wants you to look for ways to create peace, beauty and serenity, externally in your living environment, as well as internally within your own mind and psyche. What does it mean to have greater peace and serenity? To live your own best life? To have the most ideal and supportive living space and environment? Jupiter is here to make it that much more of a closer reality. This week, with Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in the sign of Pisces is the ideal time to visualize in your mind what that all looks like for you. And then to take that vision, and explore what opportunities are available to make that ideal a closer reality.
(Or in the 3rd House) We can look so mournfully at our old dreams and preconceived ideas, that we can miss the very real dream and possibilities that are opening up right there in front of us. The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction is trying to show you what that dream might look like for you. And it might be even closer than you think. Neptune has been taunting you for years, inspiring, and filling you with the enticement of mystical and creative yearnings. But Neptune can also be deceptive, leading you into confusing and misleading territory. This is what happens when we want something to be true despite the very obvious flags that were telling you otherwise. Know that at the core of your desire to believe has been a yearning to fulfill your ideals. And although it may be hard to square what we want to be true with the way things actually are, Jupiter is now here to say, that maybe you can. But perhaps not necessarily in the ways that you previously believed. Neptune has been trying to awaken your heart, and inspire you to fill your mind with even more inspiring ideas. But in order to fully access these, Jupiter is wanting you to expand your view of the world by being willing to look at things from a more inclusive perspective. The key is to be open, and not to resist. Jupiter/Neptune is about listening with a compassionate understanding, and to be open even to people who come from very different backgrounds or perspectives. By fully seeing with your eyes and hearing with your ears, it is possible to open up your senses and awareness in ways that you may not have even imagined to be possible.
(Or in the 2nd House) Sometimes in order to embrace the promise of a new dream, we are going to need to release some old dreams that are no longer working out as previously hoped. We look so longingly at the old dreams that we could totally miss the door that is opening in front of us. It may not seem like much at first, so it could be easy to ignore. Don’t. Neptune has been asking you for oh so many years: What are you willing to let go of, in order to live a more meaningful life and lifestyle? What are those things that are truly most important to you? Neptune has been asking Aquarius to put material achievements aside for the moment, and think about what your highest priorities are, and what you are willing to sacrifice in order to make those priorities a closer reality. And Jupiter is here to say, that perhaps it is possible after all. Jupiter wants you to grow in some useful way that will ultimately allow you to achieve greater self-sufficiency and independence, while also allowing you to fulfill your most important priorities. And this may be in ways that you might not have previously considered. Know that mutual support and reciprocity thrive when we dedicate ourselves to working towards the greater good and benefit of everyone concerned.
(Or in the 1st House) The feelings are bound to be tremendous during the years that Neptune travels in your sign. Like a roller coaster of emotional vastness, Neptune brings you to the heights of transcendent glory and then turns around and leaves you in a puddle of weeping disenchantment. That is when we ask ourselves: How could I have not seen? What was I even thinking? This is because, more than anything, Neptune has wanted you to find the best ways to live your own best dream. But to do it in a way that is both achievable and manageable. And these don’t always work together. Especially when you confuse what you want to be true with what is actually true. But then along comes Jupiter, who has been taunting you with the possibility that some dreams can actually come true. And in ways that you might not have even imagined Jupiter is our wise and omniscient advisor, and he has come to advise you to expand your choices and horizons even beyond your previous expectations. It can feel as if almost anything is possible with your wise guru at your side. Jupiter is trying to show you who you are, and what is your greatest potential, and to believe it with conviction. But to also do so wisely, and with the understanding that dreams need to be cultivated with love and promise, not forced to comply with some preconceived idea.