Saturn/Neptune and the Full Moon

November 8th ~ 15th

“Moonlight” by Felicia Olin

“Moonlight” by Felicia Olin

A man can have no God that is not bounded by his own human conceptions. The wider the sweep of his spiritual vision, the mightier will be his deity. But where can we find a better demonstration of Him than in man himself; in the spiritual and divine powers lying dormant in every human being. ~ H.P. Blavatsky (Isis Unveiled)

The last of the Saturn/Neptune sextiles of 2019 is exact on Friday. And it is made all the more accessible to us through the upcoming Taurus Full Moon on the 12th. Both the Sun and retrograde Mercury will be engaging the Saturn/Neptune sextile all week, here at the heart of the retrograde phase of Mercury. This is important, for it is at the inferior conjunction of Mercury (just one day before the Full Moon) that the next 90 day Mercury cycle is seeded. It is like the Mercurial New Moon encapsulated in this Taurus Full Moon. Full Moons are usually times of actualization, bringing the results of actions and decisions made in the past. However, due to the inferior conjunction of Mercury and the Saturn/Neptune sextile there is something profoundly magical and potent about this Full Moon.

One of the attributes of Mercury in Scorpio is its ability to hone in to the heart of any matter. Piercing and perceptive, we are given the ability to be able to see through all illusions and get directly to the truth. With the eagle eye of a detective, no stone is left unturned. And combined with this exact Saturn/Neptune sextile, Mercury in Scorpio is down right magical. We are being given the profound ability to not only visualize and see in our mind’s eye our ideals and aspirations, but the ways and means to manifest them. 

On these rare occasions when the two giants, Saturn and Neptune actually cooperate and work with each other, we are given a window in time when ideals and dreams can actually be made manifest. Saturn grounds us in reality. And it is precisely because of this that we can better achieve our dreams. This is about finding practical opportunities to make our hopes, ideals and dreams a closer reality. It is also about understanding our relationship to Spirit, Deity, or Soul, or that inner guidance system that speaks to us through conscience, intuition and visions of the night. 

From the standpoint of Neptune there is not one path to communion with the Divine. There are many sacred paths that lead to this inner knowing of Higher Self, Enlightenment, and/or attunement with Spirit. Saturn/Neptune leads us to the source, and that source will show valid ways to express it in our everyday lives. And also in these windows of time we become more aware of what sacrifices we are or are not, willing to make in order to fulfill these highest aspirations. Saturn/Neptune is about:

  • Getting back to your most fundamental ideals and committing to them. This includes walking the walk, as well as talking the talk.

  • Taking the practical steps to make a dream or an ideal a closer reality.

  • Manifesting spirit through art, music, dance and the creative process.

  • Practicing the art of visualization, through focus, practice and application.

And if you were to visualize a perfect ideal, what would that look like for you? What sorts of things, activities or goals would bring greater meaning into your life? And what practical steps can you take in order to bring your life more in alignment with your ideals? 

In some way, we are all being asked to bring our minds, and our lives, more in tune with our soul’s behests this week. In order to do this we will need some space and silence. Intuitive, reflective and imaginative, the soul speaks in a still small voice at these times. Use this time to connect with your subconscious and your inner guidance system: pull tarot or oracle cards, consult the I Ching, read the runes, dig up your old divination tools. Meditate. Pay attention to that voice whispering in the silence. There’s no telling what you might discover from deep down within the labyrinths of your mind.

Let the beauty we love be what we do.

There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. ~ Rumi

The Transit of Mercury: Although the inferior conjunction of Mercury occurs every 90 days during the retrograde periods, the Transit of Mercury, an astronomical event occurs rarely (only 13 times per century). This is when Mercury will actually be seen to transit across the face of the Sun, as it will on Monday, November 11th. Do not attempt to look for this event without proper safety equipment, but in places where the Sun is up, and with the proper eye gear and good filters you should be able to see it. It begins at 7:35 am EST in the US, 12:35 pm Universal Time and will last about 5.5 hours. For that brief period of time that Mercury will be Cazimi (exactly in the heart of the Sun), about 11 AM EST or 4 PM Universal Time, we are being given an opportunity to connect with Self, find internal guidance, and find the answers that we need. Mercury has gained admittance to the Solar Throne Room, and will be dancing in the heart of the Sun.

For next week’s horoscopes, click below:


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