October 22nd ~ 29th
I follow my own instinct and if that supports young girls in any way, great. But I’d rather they saw it more as a lesson about following their own instincts rather than imitating somebody. ~ Bjork
All the planets in our solar system usually transit within the bounds of the Sun’s path, but occasionally they stray. The Sun’s path, or the ecliptic, veers as far north as the Tropic of Cancer at 23º 28’ North, and as far south as the Tropic of Capricorn at 23º 28’ South. This is the Sun’s kingdom and domain, and its satellites rarely go beyond the Sun’s realms and lordly influence, bound as they are to his gravitational field. However, when they do stray beyond the gates, beyond the 23º 28’ mark, they are said to be Out of Bounds, or beyond the field of influence of our liege Lord, the Sun.
What then happens is that the planet is no longer bound by the usual conventions and laws of the land. Left to their own devices, there is almost an inherent necessity here to answer to no one but themselves. When applied to the planet Venus what we are talking about are our personal preferences: what we like, want, are attracted to, and desire. When out of bounds these are more likely to be unusual, eccentric or unconventional desires and pleasures. Our whims or desires no longer feel the necessity to have to answer to any authority, or to fit in with other people’s ideas of what normal is.
People born with out of bounds planets will often feel like outcasts. All the more so, because they will see no reason to restrain their inner authentic self, and will stand out, marking them as some how ‘different’. With Venus this can draw people to unconventional relationships, or ways of relating. Note that this would likely be only unconventional within their own societal norms or expectations. This could of course be different depending on where you live.
When I was a teenager in Iceland people would throw rocks and shout abuse at me because they thought I was weird. I never got that in London no matter what I wore. ~ Bjork
Venus is also the way that we express ourselves, whether that be artistically or otherwise, or the way we dress, or how we appear to others. Venus when unbound is free to explore and go beyond the usual social restraints on our personal self-expression, and enthusiastically go off road to take creative risks.
This week in addition to being out of bounds, Venus will also be square romantically delusional Neptune, while also sextile indulgent Jupiter. Watch out for those early Halloween parties, especially if there are cocktails involved! This could go in so many directions! Almost anything can happen in relationships, with our finances or those rare personal indulgences. Let yourself throw some caution to the wind for the sake of personal self-expression, but be aware that you’re probably not seeing things all that clearly, and you will have to pay the consequences and the bills, later on. Positively, we’re all being asked to follow our heart’s desires no matter how unconventional that may seem to others. Take that walk on the wild side. Be an awesomer version of yourself. But do also note that this could all devolve into a lost week of wanton self-indulgence.
The key here is that so long as it does no harm to yourself or others, or does not break the law, then dare to be your own true self. No need to make excuses. We are being asked to follow our own hearts for now. Venus will continue to be out of bounds until December 7th. Ultimately, the only one we have to answer to when Venus is out of bounds, is ourselves. And perhaps our own bank accounts. Therefore, do you, and do it beautifully.
For next week’s horoscopes, click below: