May 20th ~ 27th
“Gossip” by Bernard Safran
The significant fact is that all the really great changes have come from the inside out. They are born of the inner nature of the organism itself. They must have lain there, inherent as a possibility, more, as an irrepressible necessity, in the first Adamite organism just as a tall pine is potential in a soft pinyon seed no larger than a child’s tooth. ~ D. C. Peattie
In the middle of the retrograde phase of Mercury, the Sun and Mercury will cross paths. This is the ‘Inferior’ Conjunction of Mercury, when both Mercury and the Earth are on the same side of the Sun. This is also the beginning of the next Mercury cycle. Like a New Moon phase for Mercury, this is when our thoughts, mental tendencies and prevailing ideas are going to be impressed on the mind, becoming the prevailing focus for the next 4 months. Knowing this, we can intentionally initiate better habits, improve our minds, or set positive intentions.
This is a good time to think about what mental traits you might want to further develop or cultivate going forward: Patience? Generosity? Deeper focus and concentration? Organization? Efficiency? A new health regiment? Or, how would you want to improve your current routines, work habits or day to day activities? What skills would you want to improve or what new subject might you want to learn? These are all great Mercury themes.
The Inferior Conjunction on May 21st occurs at 0º Gemini 43’, just after the Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, and before Mercury returns to the sign of Taurus on May 22nd. And as Mercury returns to Taurus, we may also want to consider those things that support and cultivate greater peace and serenity within our own minds. Perhaps even more so since the Sun is entering the restless and busy sign of Gemini.
Gemini Season: Restless activity. Wanting to engage others. Moving out into the world. Words abound. Needing to move. Going places. Sharing ideas. Busyness. Activity. Road trips. Long walks. Reading. Writing. Learning something new. Distracting inquisitiveness. Inquiring minds.
Sun and Mercury will be sextile Jupiter, which is now at 2º of Aries, at the Inferior Conjunction. As a result this is a Mercury cycle with great growth and potential. And since Mercury is retrograde, rather than comparing ourselves to others, or judging the behaviors of others, we are still in reflective mode, placing the focus within. One of the advantages of the sextile to Jupiter is the gift of irony. Knowing that humor is the antidote for absurdity is our secret weapon this week. The humorist, James Thurber, is quoted as saying: Humor is the emotional chaos remembered in tranquility.
On May 24th, Mars will come home to its own sign of Aries where it will join forces with magnanimous Jupiter. Expect the pace to pick up after that. This will be a transit of audacious exuberance and unbridled energy, which becomes exact just one day before the Gemini New Moon on the 30th. When Mars comes home to Aries it can serve as a catalyst to create much needed initiatives and/or changes in our lives. Just watch out, for Mars is well armed in this sign, and its embers can become inflamed by the bellows of Jupiter on the 29th.
In the mean time, take advantage of Mercury returning to the sign of Taurus on the 22nd. This is when we are being asked to savor each experience for what it is, knowing that each fleeting moment is precious. Enjoy the bloom of the rose on the vine, the soft breezes blowing in the wind. The fleeting memories being made. Now that the Sun is entering Gemini and Mars entering Aries there will be a lot more noise and activity in the air, which can be distracting while Mercury is retrograde. So take advantage of the Mercury retrograde in Taurus moments. Cultivate serenity whichever way you can, while allowing the dust to settle where it may.
Transitions for the week of May 20th thru the 27th:
May 20th: Sun enters Gemini
May 21st: The inferior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at 0º Gemini 43’
May 22nd: Mercury enters Taurus
May 24th: Mars enters Aries
For this week’s horoscopes, click below: