May 27th ~ June 3rd
“The Friendly Gossips” by Eugene de Blaas
Mind is thus neither the source of light, like a shining sun, nor the reflected light of something greater, like the moon, but a shimmering pool of contingent potential, capable of reflecting sun, moon, and any other object that happens to dance upon its surface. Its function is more important than its essence, and is influenced significantly by the nature of what gets stirred into its pristine waters. ~ Andrew Olendzki
On May 30th (7:31 AM EDT, 4:31 AM PDT, 12:31 PM Universal Greenwich Time), we have the New Moon at 9º Gemini 03’. Gemini is a sign of wit and dexterity, filled with restless curiosity, and the changing tides of the seasons. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring makes way for Summer, we emerge from our dens, greet the neighbors, and share the news of the day.
Gemini is a Mercury sign, and Mercury is slowing for its direct station on June 3rd. Still retrograde, Mercury is asking us to pause and restrain the Gemini restlessness. Kind of difficult, as it is like capturing the wind in a bottle. A Mars/Jupiter conjunction does little to contain it, and hold it back, only throwing more agitation into the winds. Both Mercury and Saturn will station at the degree of the recent Lunar Eclipse, and as such is asking us to just stop. Wait and Focus. Get back to the things that matter.
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio had this remarkable ability to reveal the dark underbelly in society. Digging up all the rotten and the worst that humanity has to offer. But also reminding us that we can do better, that we can evolve, that there is more than this. Mercury will station near the North Node in Taurus offering remedies, advice and guidance. In our own lives it will be offering illumination. But right now, it is asking us to pause and pay attention.
Mercury only just returned to the late degrees of Taurus for some unfinished business, trying to show and remind us those things that truly matter in our lives. What our priorities are. And making sure that we have those priorities in order before we make a new start. The attention is still being turned within, where we are being asked to pay attention to our own hearts and minds, and what we are holding on to there.
But even as we are being asked to pause, and gather further information, New Moons are still times of great potential, when we gather seeds of intention, and look for fertile ground that will allow these to grow. In this time of newness, with the birth of the new Lunar Month, do take some time to pause, to find stillness, and consider what your true priorities are, and how you can make these a closer reality in your life going forward.
The New Moon in Gemini is traditionally a good time to:
Learn something New: Take a class, become more informed, indulge your curiosity. Go to a library. Venture into a book store. Attend a lecture. Learn a new skill.
Share Information: Start a journal. Call old friends. Chat with the neighbors. Meet for lunch. Inquiring minds want to know, and our curiosity is now getting recharged.
Get to know your neighborhood or environment: Short day trips. A visit to the new shop in town. Act like a tourist visiting a new locale.
Become informed: With Mercury still retrograde, and still in the throes of the Eclipse Season, we may be distracted with too much information, while not having all the facts we need to make clear decisions. Investigate. Uncover. Use the strong Mercury/Pluto trine this week to Analyze, Investigate and Look beneath the surface. What we learn now can prove to be useful later on.
Gemini has domain over: Words, data, communications, information and facts. Language and how it is used. Gabbing, small talk, Inquisitiveness and gossip. Reading and Writing. Libraries and Book stores. Places where information is gathered, and where people gather for information. Schools, young people, students, teachers. The ability to multi-task, juggle and whistle all at the same time. Gemini is a sign of dexterity, cleverness, wit and humor. It rules comedians, writers, sales people, and customer relations. When overloaded, Gemini can consume us with anxiety and confusion. But when strong it allows us to make connections easily and seamlessly. Appointments, schedules, Managing time. Walking, short trips, road maps, and the vehicles that will help to take us there: bicycles, cars, trains, and buses, and things that Go.
The Gemini tone: Gemini can be very busy and awash with information and distraction. We are curious, and filled with all sorts of ideas, as we are drawn here, there and everywhere. This is also a very social sign, and you will see the throngs re-emerging out into the world.
What is needed: Find ways to connect with your heart center, and allow that to serve you as your lodestar going forward. Then make a list of questions that you would like to see answered or get more information about over the weeks ahead.
If you wish to make affirmations or intentions with the New Moon, do so after the time of the New Moon in your area, but while it is still new and filled with potential (from the New Moon on Monday thru the Crescent Moon on Friday, June 3rd). Make your intentions and affirmations positive, and make them your own. Some possible intentions and/or affirmations for this Moon might be:
May I find joy in fulfilling my curiosity and satisfying my need to know.
With effortless dexterity I ride the winds and adapt to the changing tides.
I take pride in being able to see both sides of a situation clearly and objectively.
I gain confidence in using my words skillfully, and sharing my ideas clearly with others.
My mind is vast and luminous and has incredible potential.
I want to see my mind filled with only the most positive and inspiring thoughts.
I want to increase my knowledge and learn more about…
I learn best by allowing myself to go where I need to go.
May I find the best remedies, information and healing methods to relieve anxiety, confusion, allergies, asthma, hay fever, problems with my lungs, breath, shoulders, hands or…
For the New Moon in your natal sign or house, check this week’s horoscopes: