The New Moon in Pisces

The New Moon in Pisces on Saturday is conjunct Neptune and Venus. What does it mean to connect with that divine spark within? Each year at the Pisces New Moon we are asked to pause, turn down the noise in our inner and outer world, and allow the divine to speak through us, in whichever way is most meaningful to each of us.

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Getting Back on Track

With Neptune square the Nodes for the past year, we can feel as if we are adrift at sea. Neptune confuses, distract, confabulates. The Last Quarter Moon allows us to release that which no longer serves us, is unraveling and distracting. Preparing us for the New Moon on March 13th.

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The Spring Cleaning Full Moon

We see the results of causes that were already set in motion, coming to fruition; and see the impact of changes made manifest. But Full Moons can also open a door, and make things more evident. In this case that can include finding a better way to resolve any conflicting circumstances in our lives.

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Mercury stations Direct

As Mercury slowed for its direct station last week, it was heading for restrictive, reality-centered Saturn, making us all too aware of the obstacles that will need to be overcome in order to be able to move forward with our goals. But now that Mercury is appearing to pause and shift direction, all that we have learned, and made aware of, is being interlaced with vestiges of what may feel like hope.

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Saturn square Uranus: A House Divided?

There will be 3 exact Saturn/Uranus squares this year, designating 2021 as a transition year. The first of these squares will be on February 17th. A tense aspect between two very different planets.

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We have an abundance of planets in Aquarius this week culminating with a New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th (which also ushers in the Lunar New Year of the Metal Ox). We are thoroughly awash in Aquarius this week.

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Mercury Retro: Distraction or Illumination?

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius can bring its usual mayhem and distraction, but it also has some hidden benefits. Are our lives going to be riddled with distraction for the next 3 weeks? Or might we find some much needed illumination?

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Crossing a Threshold

It is in these liminal times of change, where we seem to be riding along on this roller coaster of change, that doors can open, glass ceilings can be smashed, even while we we wade through waves of chaos. We are crossing a threshold.

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Yes, this weather looks utterly and mind-bendingly unpredictable, dangerous, and chaotic. But it is also the sort of weather that can open doors and awaken possibility, as we stand on the brink of something new. Make sure you are strapped in tightly. We’re in for a bit of a roller coaster ride. Hang on everyone.

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And So it Begins

2021 is a transition year. Change is never easy. There will be growing pains and there will be resistance. And things are probably only going to get a little crazier over the next few weeks. Hold on to your hats everyone, and strap on those seat belts, we’re in for an unpredictable and unprecedented ride.

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