The above painting by Edward Burne-Jones depicts Merlin, who had fallen in love with Nimue, the lady of the lake. Nimue was ambitious, and she took advantage of Merlin’s infatuation, in order to learn the secrets of his magic. In this painting she has used one of his spells to put Merlin into a deep sleep. As he succumbs, she feels both giddiness and surprise at the power she has at her disposal. The Venus/Mars/Pluto conjunction is both beguiling and terribly dangerous. And all this falls within the ambit of the New Moon in Pisces on Wednesday. A Moon of vast potential.
Read moreFascination, Passion & the US Pluto Return
This week: More of the Jupiter/Uranus sextile of unique possibility; Venus and Mars seduce us with their wiles; and the US is in the throes of its first Pluto Return.
Read moreJupiter sextile Uranus
Jupiter and Uranus can open up doors, bring realizations, and allow us to see things in a whole new light. Be open to possibility and lean into the Jupiter/Uranus transit. For even small changes can have remarkable ramifications in this weather.
Read moreMercury stations Direct
Mercury stations direct conjunct Pluto. Know that it was Mercury who descended into Hades in order to rescue Persephone and lead her back to the surface, and into the arms of Demeter. Mercury/Pluto work together to uncover that which had been lost, hidden or simply forgotten. Old mysteries surface which we suffer to solve, while some of the pieces are long lost and buried somewhere else, in some other lifetime. And yet we are meant to make sense of all this. Also note that something interesting is coming, and you won’t want to miss this.
Read moreThe New Moon in Aquarius
Thankfully Venus will station direct this weekend allowing us to move forward towards the fulfillment of our needs as well as our desires. Mercury too will station direct by the end of next week. While betwixt and between we have a New Moon in the sign of Aquarius. To read more about the New Moon in Aquarius, click below.
Read moreWhen the Nodes of the Moon shift back to Taurus & Scorpio
Whether you use the Mean Nodes or the True Nodes, the Nodes of the Moon have now shifted back to the Taurus/Scorpio axis. This will determine where and when the eclipses will occur over the next 19 months. This weekend Mercury makes its inferior conjunction, when Mercury transits the Sun, and is at its closest point to the earth in its cycle. This is the nascent beginning of the next Mercury cycle.
Read moreThe Full Moon and the stations of Mercury and Uranus
Mercury stations on Friday for its retrograde phase, while exactly square Uranus, which stations direct on January 18th. And between these we have the Full Moon in Cancer on Monday, exactly opposite Pluto. It seems the universe is conspiring to bring us on course with fulfilling our destiny, whatever that might be for each of us.
Read moreThe Inferior Conjunction of Venus 2022
We’re already in the throes of the upcoming Mercury station on January 14th, so expect a few twists and turns and changes in plans even now. However, it is the conjunction of Venus that needs paying attention to this weekend. For this is the beginning of the New Venus Cycle.
Read moreThe New Moon in Capricorn and the New Yea
The New Moon in Capricorn launches us into the New Year on January 2nd. If you like to make New Year’s resolutions, you might want to wait for the New Moon to do so. This will give them greater strength and staying power. Capricorn is a sign of commitment and longevity, so what better time to make our resolutions for the New Year?
Read moreSaturn square Uranus and Jupiter goes Home
Saturn and Uranus make the last of 3 squares on December 24th. This was one of the prevailing transits of 2021, sowing division and stress. But we are not yet through. There is more to come in 2022. On the 25th, retrograde Venus will make the 2nd of 3 conjunctions to Pluto increasing the intensity over the weekend. And finally on December 28th, Jupiter returns home to its own sign of Pisces for the next 5 months, carrying us into the New Year on a magic carpet ride of idealistic hope and aspiration. And none too soon. May it successfully carry us over the divide.
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