On Tuesday, July 19th, Chiron will station for its retrograde phase that lasts until December 23rd. For the 5 months that Chiron will be in its retrograde phase we are tasked with paying attention to our own healing journey, for this is when we are able to make the most growth and progress. Chiron in Aries is here to remind us that we aren’t going to be much use to anyone else, if we don’t also take care of ourselves.
Read moreSuper Full Moon in Capricorn
The Full Moon on July 13th at 21º of Capricorn is going to be the closest Full Moon of the year. As a result it will be brighter, larger and grander than ever. It will seem especially so when it is rising and setting, due to a phenomenon called the Moon Illusion, which exaggerates the size of the Moon specifically at the skyline. These Super Full Moons, a term coined by astrologer Richard Nolle, can add a bit of intensity to the tides and affairs of humanity, as well as on the tides and tectonic plates of our planet. So strap on your seat belts everyone! And weather permitting, catch the rising Full Moon on July 13th.
Read moreMars enters Taurus
Mars enters Taurus this week. And why it matters.
Read moreThe New Moon in Cancer 2022 & Neptune stations
This week Neptune stations for its retrograde phase just hours before the New Moon in Cancer on Tuesday (or Wednesday, depending on where you are). Both of these are significant events. And both encourage us to be more inspired, to be open to wonder, to expand the boundaries of our imagination, and to embrace our deepest feelings and emotions.
Read moreThe Summer Solstice 2022
The Solstice: one of the 4 cardinal corners of the Solar Year when the Sun enters Cancer, and we bring our focus on the critical foundations of our lives. Tuesday, June 21st (or the 20th, depending on where you are in the world).
Read moreFull Moon Super Moon in Sagittarius
On Tuesday, we have a Super Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Full Moons are times of culmination and revelation. And although this is a time of harvest it is also an opportunity to make any changes, especially if you feel that you have been led astray, and are not happy with the results you are now seeing. Ask yourself: How can I get myself back on track?
Read moreMercury stations Direct & Saturn stations Retrograde
Mercury stations direct this week. But with a twist. For Saturn is also stationing retrograde. And both planets are activating the recent Lunar Eclipse point from May 16th. To learn more about what this will all mean for us, click below.
Read moreThe New Moon in Gemini May 30th
The New Moon in Gemini falls on Monday, May 30th, at 9º Gemini 03’. Gemini is a sign of wit and dexterity, filled with restless curiosity, and the changing tides of the seasons. Things are moving. But with Mercury still retrograde until June 3rd, we are being asked to pause, and make sure that we have our priorities in order first.
Read moreSun enters Gemini and the Inferior conjunction of Mercury
As the Sun and Mercury cross paths on May 21st for the Inferior Conjunction of Mercury, they also exchange signs: Mercury retracing its steps into Taurus, even as the Sun enters Gemini (a sign of endless fascination and curiosity). Just to top it all off, Mars enters Aries on the 24th, just raising the activity levels to a dull roar of activity and engagement.
Read moreMetamorphosis: The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 2022
On May 15th/16th we have a Total Lunar Blood Moon Eclipse. The eclipse will at least be partially visible in many parts of the world, with greatest visibility in the eastern part of North America, and all of South America (and Antarctica as well). At 25º of Scorpio, this can indicate a turning point with profound consequences. Eclipses can often represent turning points in our lives. But often not without having to let go of the previous shore.
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